LTCC Advanced Course:
Applications of Differential Geometry to Mathematical Physics

The courses on Applications of Differential Geometry to Mathematical Physics will place at the University of Kent (Canterbury) on 20 October 2010 and 3 November 2010. The courses are part of the advanced courses of the London taught course centre (LTCC). A draft syllabus can be found here. This advanced course first took place in November 2008, see here for details. For further information please contact Dr Steffen Krusch. (Could you please also email me if you are intending to attend the course, and are not from the University of Kent, so that I can get a rough idea of numbers.)



On Wednesday, 20 October, all the lectures will take place in PS110 in the Ingram Building, also known as the SPS Conference Room. Click here for an interactive map of the University of Kent.

On Wednesday, 3 November, the first lecture will take place in PS110 in the Ingram Building, also known as the SPS Conference Room, the remaining lectures will take place in the Maths Lecture theatre.


On Wednesday, 20 October, the schedule is On Wednesday, 3 November, the schedule is

Recommended Reading

We found the following literature quite useful, when preparing the course.

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Last updated 01 November, 2010.