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Working Group 1: Impacts on society/economy/environment, and public perception
Impacts of parakeets will be quantified with regard to their effects and potential effects on European agro-economy, society and wildlife. Data sets will be compiled from published and unpublished sources, including from agricultural, human health, environmental and socio-economic sectors and will where possible be integrated into a geo-spatial framework that will be aligned with parakeet distribution and density maps. To examine public perception that could influence both invasion success and the feasibility of mitigation efforts, WG1 will compile published and unpublished data on social perception of parakeets. Methodologies will be harmonized to enable valid comparison of people’s perceptions of parakeets across countries and cultures. WG1 will also evaluate to what extent these perceptions may limit the efficiency and impact of mitigation programs and identify whether education campaigns could potentially reduce public objections to such programs. WG1 will comprise Action participants (particularly spatial modellers, ecologists and environmental social scientists), other expert contributors, and officers from relevant European Commission policy areas such as the ‘Agriculture and the environment’ policy area.
Task 1: Identify main categories of potential impact spanning both natural and social science areas and evaluate quantity and quality of information available.
Task 2: Harmonise data sets and approaches used to quantify parakeet impacts. Develop protocols and propose pan-European standardised methods for data collection and synthesis. Identify key gaps in data and allocate STSMs accordingly (linking to WG3 and WG4).
Task 3: Assess actual and expected impacts of parakeets on agricultural, human health, environmental and socio-economic sectors at national and European scales and evaluate to what extent public perception may constrain actions. Where possible, spatial and temporal trends in impacts will be quantified (Task 2 and 3 linking to WG2).
Milestone 1: Produce schematic flowchart identifying main categories of impacts informed by data evaluation and key knowledge gaps.
Milestone 2: Propose standardised methods for data collection; STSMs allocated and implemented.
Milestone 3: Publish trends in parakeet impacts and circulate to stakeholders, database managers and EC officers.