List of publications
Luna, A., Franz, D., Strubbe, D., Shwartz, A., Braun, M.P., Hernández-Brito, D., Malihi, Y., Kaplan, A., Mori, E., Menchetti, M. and van Turnhout, C.A., 2017. Reproductive timing as a constraint on invasion success in the Ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Biological Invasions, 19(8), pp.2247-2259.
Turbé A., Strubbeb D., Morid E., Carrete M., Chiron F., Clergeau P. González-Morenoi P., Le Louarnj M., Luna A., Menchetti M., Nentwigl W., Pârâum L., Postigo J.H., Rabitsch W., Senar J.C., Tollington S., Vanderhoeven S., Weiserbss A. and Shwartz A. (2017) Assessing the assessments: evaluation of four impact assessment protocols for invasive alien species. Diversity and Distributions, 23;297-307
Vanderhoeven S., Branquart Y., D’hondt B., Hulme P.E., Shwartz A., Strubbe D., Turbe T., Verreycken H. and Adriaens T. (2017) Beyond protocols: improving the reliability of expert based risk analysis underpinning invasive species policies. Biological Invasions, 1-11
Cardador, L., Lattuada, M., Strubbe, D., Tella, J.L., Reino, L., Figueira, R. & Carrete, M. (2017) Regional Bans on Wild-Bird Trade Modify Invasion Risks at a Global Scale. Conservation Letters, in press.
Edelaar, P., Roques, S., Hobson, E.A., Gonçalves da Silva, A., Avery, M.L., Russello, M.A., Senar, J.C., Wright, T.F., Carrete, M. & Tella, J.L. (2015) Shared genetic diversity across the global invasive range of the monk parakeet suggests a common restricted geographic origin and the possibility of convergent selection. Molecular Ecology, 24, 2164-2176.
Postigo, J.-L. (2016) New records of invasive Parakeet hybrids in Spain. A great opportunity to apply the rapid response mechanism. In: European Journal of Ecology, p. 19
Luna, Á., Monteiro, M., Asensio-Cenzano, E. and Reino, L., 2016. Status of the rose- ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri in Lisbon, Portugal. Biologia, 71(6), pp.717-720.
Mori, E., Ancillotto, L., Menchetti, M. and Strubbe, D., 2017. ‘The early bird catches the nest’: possible competition between scops owls and ring‐necked parakeets. Animal Conservation. 20, pp.463-470.
Mori, E., Grandi, G., Menchetti, M., Tella, J.L., Jackson, H.A., Reino, L., van Kleunen, A., Figueira, R. and Ancillotto, L., 2017. Worldwide distribution of non–native Amazon parrots and temporal trends of their global trade. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 40(1), pp.49-62.
L. Reino, R. Figueira, P. Beja, M. B. Araújo, C. Capinha, D. Strubbe, (2017), Networks of global bird invasion altered by regional trade ban. Sci. Adv.3, e1700783.
Viana, I.R., Strubbe, D. and Zocche, J.J., 2016. Monk parakeet invasion success: a role for nest thermoregulation and bactericidal potential of plant nest material?. Biological invasions, 18(5), pp.1305-1315.
Le Louarn, M., Couillens, B., Deschamps-Cottin, M. and Clergeau, P., 2016. Interference competition between an invasive parakeet and native bird species at feeding sites. Journal of ethology, 34(3), pp.291-298.
Edelaar, P., Roques, S., Hobson, E.A., Gonçalves da Silva, A., Avery, M.L., Russello, M.A., Senar, J.C., Wright, T.F., Carrete, M. and Tella, J.L., 2015. Shared genetic diversity across the global invasive range of the monk parakeet suggests a common restricted geographic origin and the possibility of convergent selection. Molecular ecology, 24(9), pp.2164-2176.
Tella, J.L., Baños-Villalba, A., Hernández-Brito, D., Rojas, A., Pacífico, E., Díaz-Luque, J.A., Carrete, M., Blanco, G. and Hiraldo, F., 2015. Parrots as overlooked seed dispersers. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13(6), pp.338-339.
Strubbe, D., Jackson, H., Groombridge, J., & Matthysen, E. (2015). Invasion success of a global avian invader is explained by within‐taxon niche structure and association with humans in the native range. Diversity and Distributions,21, 675-685
Tollington, S., Turbé, A., Rabitsch, W., Groombridge, J.J., Scalera, R., Essl, F. & Shwartz, A. (2015) Making the EU Legislation on Invasive Species a Conservation Success. Conservation Letters, DOI: 10.1111/conl.12214
Groombridge, J., Strubbe, D. and Shwartz, A. (2014) Avian aggregation: pesky parakeets. International Innovation. 146, pp92-93
Jackson, H., Strubbe, D., Tollington, S., Prys-Jones, R., Matthysen, E. & Groombridge, J.J. (2015) Ancestral origins and invasion pathways of the globally invasive ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri), correlate with climate and influences from the pet bird trade, Molecular Ecology, 24, 4269-4285.
Jackson, H., Jones, C.G., Agapow, P., Tatayah, V. and Groombridge, J. (2015) Micro-evolutionary diversification among Indian Ocean parrots: temporal and spatial changes in phylogenetic diversity as a consequence of extinction and invasion. Ibis.
Mori, E., Ancillotto, L., Groombridge, J., Howard, T., Smith, V. S., & Menchetti, M. (2015). Macroparasites of introduced parakeets in Italy: a possible role for parasite-mediated competition. Parasitology research, 114(9), 3277-3281.
Pârâu LG, Strubbe D, Mori E, Menchetti M, Ancillotto L, van Kleunen A, White RL, Luna A, Hernandez-Brito D, Le Louarn M, Clergeau P, Albayrak T, Franz D, Braun MP, Schroeder J, Wink M, (2016) Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri populations and numbers in Europe: a complete overview The Open Ornithology Journal, 9, 1-13.
Le Gros, A., S. Samadi, D. Zuccon, R. Cornette, M. P. Braun, J. C. Senar and P. Clergeau. (2016) Rapid morphological changes, admixture and invasive success in populations of Ring-necked parakeets (Psittacula krameri) established in Europe. Biological Invasions, in press.
M. Menchetti & E. Mori (2014) Worldwide impact of alien parrots (Aves Psittaciformes) on native biodiversity and environment: a review, Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 26:2-3, 172-194, DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2014.905981
Edelaar, P., Roques, S., Hobson, E.A., Gonçalves da Silva, A., Avery, M.L., Russello, M.A., Senar, J.C., Wright, T.F., Carrete, M. & Tella, J.L. (2015) Shared genetic diversity across the global invasive range of the monk parakeet suggests a common restricted geographic origin and the possibility of convergent selection. Molecular Ecology, 24, 2164-2176.
Dailos Hernandez-Britoa, Álvaro Lunab, Martina Carretec, José L. Tella (2015) Alien rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri) attack black rats (Rattus rattus) sometimes resulting in death. Italian Journal of Mammalogy
Hernandez-Brito D, Carrete M, Popa-Lisseanu AG, Ibanez C, Tella JL (2014) Crowding in the City: Losing and Winning Competitors of an Invasive Bird. PLoS ONE 9(6): e100593. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100593.
Mattia Menchettia, Riccardo Scalerab, Emiliano Mori (2014) First record of a possibly overlooked impact by alien parrots on a bat (Nyctalus leisleri). Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy
De Febbraro, M & Mori E (2014) Potential distribution of alien parakeets in Tuscany (Central Italy): a bioclimatic model approach, Ethology Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2014.895424
Kumschick S, Bacher S, Evans T, Markova Z, Pergl J, Pysek P, Vaes-Petignat S, Van der Veer G, Vila M, Nentwig W (2015) Comparing impacts of alien plants and animals in Europe using a standard scoring system. Journal of Applied Ecology 52: 552-561
J.C.Senar, J.Domènech, L.Arroyo, I.Torre & O.Gordo. 2016. An evaluation of Monk parakeet damage to crop fields in Barcelona Metropolitan área. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation in press
Menchetti, M., Mori, E., & Angelici, F. M. (2016). Effects of the recent world invasion by ring-necked parakeets Psittacula krameri. In Problematic Wildlife (pp. 253-266). Springer International Publishing.
Viana, I.R., Strubbe, D. & Zocche, J.J. (2016) Monk parakeet invasion success: a role for nest thermoregulation and bactericidal potential of plant nest material? Biological Invasions, DOI: 10.1007/s10530-016-1068-7
Hernandez-Brito D, Carrete M, Popa-Lisseanu AG, Ibanez C, Tella JL (2014) Crowding in the City: Losing and Winning Competitors of an Invasive Bird. PLoS ONE 9(6): e100593. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100593.
Mattia Menchettia, Riccardo Scalerab, Emiliano Mori (2014) First record of a possibly overlooked impact by alien parrots on a bat (Nyctalus leisleri). Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy
De Febbraro, M & Mori E (2014) Potential distribution of alien parakeets in Tuscany (Central Italy): a bioclimatic model approach, Ethology Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2014.895424
Kumschick S, Bacher S, Evans T, Markova Z, Pergl J, Pysek P, Vaes-Petignat S, Van der Veer G, Vila M, Nentwig W (2015) Comparing impacts of alien plants and animals in Europe using a standard scoring system. Journal of Applied Ecology 52: 552-561
J.C.Senar, J.Domènech, L.Arroyo, I.Torre & O.Gordo. 2016. An evaluation of Monk parakeet damage to crop fields in Barcelona Metropolitan área. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation in press
Menchetti, M., Mori, E., & Angelici, F. M. (2016). Effects of the recent world invasion by ring-necked parakeets Psittacula krameri. In Problematic Wildlife (pp. 253-266). Springer International Publishing.
Viana, I.R., Strubbe, D. & Zocche, J.J. (2016) Monk parakeet invasion success: a role for nest thermoregulation and bactericidal potential of plant nest material? Biological Invasions, DOI: 10.1007/s10530-016-1068-7
Cardador, L., Carrete, M., Gallardo, B. & Tella, J.L. (2016) Combining trade data and niche modelling improves predictions of the origin and distribution of non-native European populations of a globally invasive species. Journal of Biogeography, DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12694