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Further Information
Withdrawing from your course
All students considering withdrawing/intermitting from their course should discuss the matter with their personal tutor or student adviser in the first instance. Students must then follow the proper withdrawal procedure through their academic school.
Tuition fees
If you have paid your tuition fees, upon withdrawal, you may be entitled to a refund based on the following rules of withdrawal.
For undergraduate students funded by the Student Loans Company:
The Student Loans Company has three triggers points (at the start of each term) which determine whether fees will be paid. If you are in attendance on any of these trigger dates your fees will be paid to us in full for that particular term.
For all other students:
Fees will be reduced on the number of days completed, pro-rated against the total days allocated to the year.
Tuition Fee Refund Information
For further information on tuition fee refunds please email incomeoffice@kent.ac.uk
Accommodation fees
If you are withdrawing/intermitting from your course you will also need to visit or contact the Accommodation Office and complete an Early Departure Form.
Accommodation fee payments are subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in the accommodation agreement.
For further information regarding fees please email
incomeoffice@kent.ac.uk or telephone +44 (0)1227 824242.