
Being Successful doesn't make you better than anyone else

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Kaleidoscope Network

The Kaleidoscope Network, hosted by the Kent Law School Centre for Sexuality, Race and Gender Justice, comprises students and staff of colour who are committed to continue working on the Kent Law School Decolonising the Curriculum Project, and implement its manifesto that was introduced to the University of Kent in March 2019.

BAME Staff Network

The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network was set up by a group of diversity practitioners and academics, with the support of the university's Learning and Organisational Development Team. It follows the success of the Kent Law School Decolonising the Curriculum Project, seminal student-led Decolonise UoK conference and subsequent Manifesto, which highlights the importance of BAME staff visibility on campus. Primarily, the BAME Staff Network aims to work collaboratively with the university management to meet its equality, diversity and inclusivity imperatives, as outlined by the Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty.

Decolonising the Curriculum Project

The Decolonising the Curriculum Project was set up by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj, Reader in Kent Law School, in order to empower BAME students to become change actors within their own education. This has been achieved through a process of training and capacity building where students emerge as co-producers of knowledge, including authoring a manifesto of recommendations as well as other Kaleidoscope Hub resources for staff and students. The project is currently supported by KLS Centre for Sexuality, Race & Gender Justice (SeRGJ) of which Dr Jivraj is Co-Director.

University of Kent - © University of Kent

Student Success (EDI) Central Team, Eliot College, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NS, T: +44 (01227) 816877

Last Updated: 28/01/2020