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My name is José Tomé Ferreira. I was born in the beautiful city of Porto, Portugal 25 years ago. I lived there for the first 22 years of my life. After, I decided to come, live and study in England. I lived two years in London and now I divide my time between the big city and Canterbury.

I study Statistics for a few years now. I did my licenciatura (BSc) degree, in Applied Mathematics, at the University of Porto. The next step was Imperial College London, where I did a MPhil under the joint supervision of Prof. David J. Hand and Dr. Dave G. T. Denison. Now I am studying towards a PhD at the University of Kent under the supervision of Prof. Mark. F. J. Steel.

My MPhil thesis at Imperial had the title "Weighted naive Bayes for supervised classification". Now I'm working on a project designated as "Bayesian analysis of firm size dynamics".