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Managing the Social Impacts of Change from a Risk Perspective
Beijing Normal University, Beijing
15-17 April 2009

Photos from conference

This conference will discuss current research on a wide range of topics relevant to the perception, understanding and management of risk in different societies.  It will draw on work from a number of disciplines and is designed to enable Chinese and other scholars to get to know each other’s work better and to promote international research contacts

Keynote speakers:

Professor Tuan Yang, Director, Centre for Social Policy Studies, CASS
Professor Xiaojiang Hu, Director of Migration Centre,  ISDPP
Professor Xing Tong, Dean, School of Public Management, Nanjing University
Professor Xinping Guan, Chair, Department of Social Policy, Nankai University
Professor Xiulan Zhang, Director, ISDPP
Professor Christopher Hood, All Souls College Oxford and LSE
Professor Jenny Kitzinger, University of Cardiff
Professor Peter Taylor-Gooby, University of Kent
Dr Jens Zinn, University of Kent

Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Grants
Context Arrangements & hotels
Paper Proposals
Registration Form

Update - 2nd March 2009

Managing the Social Impacts of Change from a Risk Perspective
15-17 April 2009
Location Map

From Beijing International Airport to Jingshi Hotel
Please show to taxi driver

Sight-seeing in Beijing after the conference, we will organise a one day tour in Beijing on Sunday, April 18, 2009. This tour is free to conference participants. The normal cost of the tour (300 yuan per person) will be covered by the generous support from SSDPP of Beijing Normal University.
Please sign up for tour during registration 15th April 2009.

19th - 21st April 2009. Responding to interest in visiting China’s ancient capital city Xi’an, we have arranged through a travel agency.
Please email Mary Mustafa to register for this tour as soon as possible:



Conference sponsored by:
Beijing Normal University
Economic and Social Research Council, UK
Research Councils UK
The University of Kent, UK
and recognised by The Society for Risk Analysis