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15-17 April 2009
SCARR, Beijing Normal University, ESRC, RCUK, University of Kent
Beijing Normal University
Beijing, China
The Construction of Expertise in the Encounter between Practitioners and Users of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Charlotte Baarts cba@soc.ku.dk & Inge Kryger Pedersen,
Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Understanding Valuing Life Expectancy Gains from Air Pollution Reduction in the UK and Poland: A Qualitative Investigation And Validation
Anna Bartczak, bartczak@wne.uw.edu.pl, University of Warsaw, Poland, Baker, R.., Chilton, S.M. and Metcalf, H.R.T., University of Newcastle, UK
Managing Political Change: Understanding the Politics of Risk in the UK
Adam Burgess, A.Burgess@kent.ac.uk,
School of Social Policy Social Research,
University of Kent,
Workers on the rise? Union rights, Unionization and the management of labour relations in China.
Dr. Christian Brütsch,
cb@pw.uzh.ch, Universität Zürich,
Institut für Politikwissenschaft,
Zürich, Switzerland
Defining and assessing the risk of a territory being harmed by climate change
Lino Briguglio, Lino.briguglio@m.edu.mt
Economics department University of Malta,
Justice in the risk society: Barthes goes to Hollywood
Dr Elaine Campbell, Elaine.Campbell@ncl.ac.uk Senior Lecturer in Criminology
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology,
Newcastle University,
Newcastle Upon Tyne
United Kingdom
The Risks of Managing Uncertainty: the limitations of control and the potential for trust in healthcare institutions
Professor Michael Calnan, m.w.calnan@kent.ac.uk and Patrick Brown, p.r.brown@kent.ac.uk
School of Social Policy and Social Research,
University of Kent ,
A Convergence of Risk Attitudes? Attitudes towards Social Inequality and Work in Post-Communist and 'Traditional' European Market Economies
Andreas Cebulla,a.cebulla@natcen.ac.uk,
Perception and responses to employment risks of workers in Hong Kong
Dr. Kam-wah Chan, sskwchan@polyu.edu.hk, Associate Professor,
Department of Applied Social Sciences,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Lai-ching Leung, sslc@cityu.edu.hk, Associate Professor,
Department of Applied Social Studies,
City University of Hong Kong
Trust in Government and Risk Management: The case of Hong Kong
Raymond K H CHAN,
r.chan@cityu.edu.hk, Associate Professor,
Department of Applied Social Studies,
City University of Hong Kong
Design organization to manage high-risk systems: the case of chemical industry
Cynthia Colmellere, cynthia.colmellere@gmail.com, Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire,
Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
Assessing eating disorders risks through the media
Maria João Cunha, mjcunh@gmail.com; on behalf of; Maria CUNHA [mjcunha@iscsp.utl.pt]
Using binding communication for risk management training in industrial Chinese context
Denis-Remis, cedric.denisremis@paristech.frProject executive,
Tongji University
Shanghai China
Young people’s attitudes to smoking and healthy diet: an exploration of perceptions of risk
Martyn Denscombe, md@dmu.ac.uk,
Professor of Social Research,
Dept of Public Policy
De Montfort University,
Rethinking the regulation of risky technologies within global regulatory regimes and dynamic local contexts
Adrian Ely (a), Email: a.v.ely@sussex.ac.uk
Adrian Smith (a), Email: a.g.smith@sussex.ac.uk
Patrick van Zwanenberg (a), Ding Shijun (b), Jin Chenggang (c), Chen Chuanbo (d) and Liang Xiaoyun (c) (NB: author list and presenter to be finalised in due course)
aSTEPS Centre, SPRU, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
cBeijing Normal University, China
bZhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China
dBeijing Renmin University, China
Risk and Knowledge: Solidarity in the Age of Risk Calculations
Dr. H.J.M. Fenger, fenger@fsw.eur.nl,
Department of Public Administration,
The Netherlands
Pension reform and long-term old age income security: The case of Taiwan
Dr. Tsung-hsi Fu, thfu@sw.ccu.edu.tw, Assistant Professor,
Department of Social Welfare
National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan)
“So help me God!”
Exploring the role of religion in the perception of and response to employment risk in Hong Kong
Luke Yat-chung Fung, ssluke@polyu.edu.hk,
Department of Applied Social Sciences,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Multi-route models of trust in risk communicators: An empirical test of the final common pathway assumption.
Nigel Harvey, n.harvey@ucl.ac.uk and Matt Twyman both of University College London,
Department of Psychology,
University College London,
Risk and Self-harm
Namino Kunitoh, namino@goo.jp
Tokyo, Japan
Changing European Social Models: Lessons from the Nordic countries?
Jon Kvist, jk@sfi.dk
Senior Researcher,
SFI – The Danish National Centre for Social Research
Community Sustainability and Soft Power: Valuable in Understanding Locality Life and Changes in Civic Culture
Dr. Mei-Ling, Lin,
paulina@mail.kh.edu.tw, Assistant Professor of National Open University in Taiwan,
Stated preference valuation of environmental, health and transport risks: A meta-analysis
Nils-Axel Braathen(a), Tom Jones(a), Nick Johnstone(a), Henrik Lindhjem*(bc) henrik.lindhjem@umb.no. and Ståle Navrud(b)
a OECD, Environment Directorate, Paris, France b Department of Economics and Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
c ECON Poyry, Norway
Aintegration in Management of Personal and Work-Organizational Conflicting Situations in Modern Society
Prof. Jacob Lomranz,
Lomranz@post.tau.ac.il Professor of Psychology, Tel Aviv University Dept. of Psychology Israel
Imprisonment and Risk Analysis: Are We Witnessing the Birth of a New Penology?
Prof. Roger Matthews, mattherd@lsbu.ac.uk London South Bank University
Managing risk through enhanced regulatory cooperation between the EU and the US
Dr Anne Meuwese, anne.meuwese@ua.ac.be,
Marie Curie fellow,
Universiteit Antwerpen/University of Antwerp,
Faculteit Rechten/Faculty of Law,
Contingency in Corporate Communications Risk Perception in Organisational Change
Ivana Modena, ivana.modena@unifr.ch,
Universität Fribourg ,
Tino G.K. Meitz, Jahns and Friends AG, Duesseldorf, Germany - University of Surrey (affiliated), UK
How do you prefer your gain in life expectancy to be delivered?
An experimental approach linking hypothetical and incentivised choices
Jytte Seested Nielsen*1 jsn@sam.sdu.dk Susan Chilton2 s.m.chilton@newcastle.ac.uk
Michael Jones-Lee2 michael.jones-lee@newcastle.ac.uk
Hugh Metcalf2. h.r.t.metcalf@newcastle.ac.uk
* To whom correspondence should be addressed
1 University of Southern Denmark,
Institute of Public Health
2 University of Newcastle, United Kingdom
What not to fear when you are expecting: Self help literature in a risk society
Dr Alphia Possamai-Inesedy, alphia.possamai@uws.edu.au,
University of Western Sydney
School of Social Sciences, Australia
Risk society, sustainable development and religion
Adam Possamai, A.Possamai@uws.edu.au, Lecturer
School of Social Sciences
University of Western Sydney, Australia
Comparisons and contrasts: perceptions of the risk of exposing children to second hand smoke in the UK and in China
Jude Robinson,
j.e.robinson @liverpool.ac.uk, Deputy Director of the Health and Community Care Research Unit,
Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences,
Mao Aimei, maoaimei@liverpool.ac.uk,
PhD student
Social Insurance as a Collective Resource: Unemployment Benefits, Job Insecurity and Subjective Well-being in a Comparative Perspective
Ola Sjöberg, Ola.Sjoberg@sofi.su.se,
Swedish Institute for Social Research
A meta-theory of risk: Risk as reflexive, social learning
Dr Yim Ling Siu, Y.L.Siu@leeds.ac.uk,
School of Earth & Environment,
“Is there a Plan B? How transitioning youth perceive risks awaiting them in working life and how they plan to deal with them”
Junya TSUTSUI, assistant professor, Ritsumeikan University (Japan)
Tuukka TOIVONEN, Contact: tuukka.toivonen@green.ox.ac.uk, tuukkatoivonen@yahoo.co.uk, Phil candidate, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford (UK),
Haruka SHIBATA, PhD candidate, Kyoto University (Japan)
Risk Perceptions and Public Preferences for Risk Reduction at Hazardous Waste Sites: a Survey of the Italian Public
Margherita Turvani, margheri@iuav.i, University Iuav of Venice,
Dept. of Planning , Italy
Role of Social Work in Risk Management in New World Order
1- Erden Ünlü, Prof. Dr., erdenunlu@gmail.com
Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Social Work Department.
2- Musa İkizoğlu, Dr., ikizoglu@hacettepe.edu.tr
Hacettepe University Faculty of Economics and Administrative
3- Bülent İlik, Dr., bulentilik@gmail.com
Başkent University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Social Work
Are Single Fathers really Different from Single Mothers? The comparative study on welfare needs, social support, and seeking help behavior of single fathers and single mothers in Taiwan
Wang, Shu-Yung, shuyung@sw.ccu.edu.tw, (Assistant Professor, Department of Social Welfare, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan)
Cheng, Ching-hsia cscheng@sw.ccu.edu.tw, (Associate Professor, Department of Social Welfare, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan)
Hsieh, Yu-Ling yuling@asia.edu.tw, (Assistant Professor, Department of Social work, Asia University, Taiwan), Chang, Kuo-Wei,kowei@sw.ccu.edu.tw
China’s Response to Health Risk: Insights from the English School
Dr. Elizabeth Wishnick, ew124@columbia.edu or wishnicke@mail.montclair.edu
Assistant Professor of Political Science and Law, Department of Political Science and Law,
Montclair State University
Research Associate, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
Impacts of Rural-urban Migration on Marginal Areas of China: a pilot study in Zhidan and Zhizhou counties of north Shaanxi
Bin Wu,
bin.wu@nottingham.ac.uk, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies
The University of Nottingham
Uncertainty and risk-taking in peace-making: The Israeli experience
Professor Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov, Msbarsi@mscc.huji.ac.il
The Department of International Relations,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The Illusory causality of random Risk: People's perceptions of random events.
Leehu Zysberg, Leehu@telhai.ac.il, Assistant Professor, Tel Hai College Department of Psychology Upper Galilee, Israel. Shaul Kimhi, Associate Professor, Tel Hai CollegeDepartment of PsychologyUpper Galilee, Israel.