Information Services

User feedback mechanisms

IS uses a range of methods to gather user feedback in order to provide responsive and effective services and support.

Feedback and complaints

Web forms

Feedback is logged on our helpdesk system and managed by the IS Quality & Marketing team. We acknowledge receipt immediately, and follow up within three working days. Outcomes are reported monthly to both IT and Library managers.

Paper feedback forms

These are available at desks in the Templeman Library. You can hand in your form at the desk send it in the internal post to the Quality & Marketing team. Paper forms are managed in a similar way to web forms.


Complaints about any service managed by Information Services (including IT and library) are managed by the Quality & Marketing team. Customers can either email a complaint to or contact Helpdesk. An open letter detailing the complaints process (pdf) is available at Llibrary service desks and printed online. Complaints where possible are acknowledged immediately and followed up within three days of receipt.


The IT Helpdesk records feedback when dealing with enquiries and passes to the Quality & Marketingeam. Customers recording negative feedback are asked if they wish to make a formal complaint.

Helpdesk and staff working at service desks are encouraged to report feedback especially if the feedback addresses a new or unique problem. Periodically Helpdesk staff are asked to nominate their top 10 queries. The queries are collated and published together with solutions on the internal staff website to ensure Helpdesk are aware of current issues and solutions.


Information Services, University of Kent

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Last Updated: 17/08/2021