School of Biosciences

Join us in our journey of discovery

Obtaining supplies for your work

The supplies Store is located in Ingram Building, Room G22. We can be contacted by telephone on extension 3220 or you can email us at

There a few different options for you to obtain the supplies needed for your project.


The Blue Form is used to acquire stock held in the store room. The categories of stock vary, the main sections are:

  • Plastics (tubes, cuvettes, tips, bottles, well plates, pipettes)
  • Consumables (gloves, ECL film, white rolls)
  • Chemicals (ethanol, agar, tris, peptone, IMS)
  • Office Supplies (lab books, pens, paper, tape, staplers)
blue form image


The Pink Form is used for consignment stock. This means it is stock belonging to the supplier that we keep onsite for your use.

The benefit being, you get cheaper prices and no delivery charges. There's usually only a couple of each item in stock at any one time, therefore it is important you plan ahead when relying on these products.

The products mainly include the following:

  • Enzymes
  • PCR kits
  • Mini/midi-prep kits
  • Sample buffers
  • Pre-cast Gels
  • DNA Ladder, etc
pink form image

You can find a full list of both regular Stores stock and Consignment Stock here.

For any items not stocked in Stores, please refer to the Purchasing Guidelines where the link to the form for external order can be found: here

Enquiries: Phone: +44 (0)1227 823743

School of Biosciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NJ

Last Updated: 17/11/2016