School of Biosciences

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School of Biosciences Purchasing Protocol

  1. If Stores do not stock the items you require, please submit an ‘Order Request Form’ located on This applies to items such as consumables, office supplies, equipment, parcel sending, etc.
  2. 2 All items, where possible, MUST be purchased through a nominated supplier. There are an extensive range of suppliers and we can advise on preferred companies. The Supplies Officer can frequently obtain better prices on goods and/or delivery by shopping around. Our Purchasing Co-ordinators reserve the right to redirect any order request where advantageous to do so. A list of recommended suppliers can be found here -
  3. You must obtain the supervisors permission when placing any order. The permission box on the Request Form must be ticked accordingly. 
  4. Please complete a separate request for each supplier. Please include all relevant information – including price. Failure to do so will result in your order being delayed.
  5. Requests for single items may be held for collation with other requests.
  6. Requests for goods under the total of £10 (UKC minimum) or to a value below the Supplier’s minimum will be held pending further requests.

kent tender thresholds

For a full breakdown of the Universities formal policies and procedures regarding all procurement, please visit:

Enquiries: Phone: +44 (0)1227 823743

School of Biosciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NJ

Last Updated: 27/02/2019