14th Annual UK Meeting on Integrable Models, Conformal Field Theory and Related Topics

April 16 2010 - April 17 2010

This meeting is the fourteenth in a series of annual two-day meetings on this topic. The main aims of the meeting are:

  • To act as a venue for the dissemination, explanation and discussion of recent exciting results in this field.
  • To promote communication and collaboration within the UK Integrable Models and Conformal Field Theory community, and to bring mathematicians and physicists working in this area together.
  • To act as a forum for young researchers to present their work and to become known and integrated into the community.


Murray Batchelor (ANU, Australia)
Olalla Castro-Alvaredo (City)
Gesualdo Delfino (Trieste)
Benoit Estienne (Amsterdam)
Victor Fomin (Annecy)
Marton Kormos (SISSA)
Joseph Minahan (Uppsala)
Simon Wood (Zurich)
Martin Wolf (Cambridge)

There will also be an informal poster session. All participants, especially students and postdocs, are encouraged to present a poster.


The meeting will run from 3pm (coffee and registration from 2.30pm) on Friday April 16 and end at 1pm on Saturday April 17. A programme is available here.

If you arrive early on Friday, you are welcome to join us at lunch in the Gulbenkian cafe on campus between 1 and 2pm.

The meeting will be held in the Maths lecture theatre in the Cornwallis Building at the University of Kent. The room has 2 blackboards, 4 data projectors with freeze-frame technology, an overhead projector, laptop point and a computer.

Canterbury is approximately one hour by train from London St Pancras or two hours twenty minutes from Paris (via Ashford International). Travel information is available here.


There will be a 20 GBP registration fee, which will be waived for students and reduced for IoP Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Group members.

We have some funds to support research students studying at UK universities. All research students are welcome to ask for financial support, but preference will be given to those who cannot otherwise obtain support.

A list of registered participants can be found here.


Bed and breakfast accommmodation is available in single en-suite rooms in Keynes College on campus at a cost of 30 GPB per night.

A workshop dinner will be held on the evening of Friday 16th April. The cost will be £25 payable at registration.


Please contact the local organisers if you have any queries.

The London Mathematical Society requests that the organisers of meetings it supports consider the provision of mechanisms to enable participation by people with children or family responsibilities. Please contact the local organisers if you wish to discuss any special requirements.

Scientific Organisers

Peter Bowcock, John Cardy, Patrick Dorey, Andreas Fring, Niall Mackay, Anne Taormina, Gerard Watts, Robert Weston

Local Organisers

Clare Dunning, Paulo Goncalves de Assis

Supported by