
Carbon, Energy, and Water

We measure and report on our Electricity, Gas and Fuel consumption annually. Our Carbon Management Plan Statement 2020-2040, sets out a 20 year aim to reduce our Carbon Emissions to net zero by 2040.

Our Carbon Management Strategy supports the Carbon Management Plan and describes the methodologies used to achieve the required emissions reduction targets. The Strategy is in turn supported by the Utilities Measurement, Monitoring and Reporting Procedure and the Energy and Water Management Action Plan.

All of the documents mentioned above are available for download by clicking on the links in the side panel to the right. There are also links to our Water Management Strategy and a document detailing our procedures for handling fluorinated gases.

Carbon Emissions For the year 2022-23

The year 2022-23 was the first full year of operation unaffected by Covid 19. With the systems back in normal operation relative reductions in gas consumption were observed, due to ongoing energy saving measures. There were some reductions in electricity consumption due to improvements in energy efficiency including works at the main Data Centre.

The University implemented a series of carbon saving reduction measures during 2022-23, and these will have helped limit the increase in annual carbon emissions seen in the year. Following on from this the University continually reviews how it operates to maintain energy efficiency dependant on operational requirements. Further the University works in partnership with other organisations to reduce carbon emissions, and is working to increase this type of engagement with a view to keeping the University on track with the targets set out in the Carbon Management Plan.


target and actual carbon emissions


2022-23 Energy Data Breakdown by Consumption
Total Electricity kWh 3,644,360 14,714,279 18,358,640
Total GaskWh 13,225,169 22,397,586 35,622,756
Total Fuel OilkWh -4,649 4,649
Total Fuellitres-17,718 17,718
Total RenewableskWh-- 169,430

2022-23 Energy Data Breakdown by Carbon Emissions
Total ElectricityTCO₂ 7553,047 3,802
Total GasTCO₂ 2,4194,097 6,516
Total Fuel OilTCO₂- 11
Total FuelTCO₂- 4747
Total RenewablesTCO₂---
Total EmissionsTCO₂3,1747,145 10,366


target and actual carbon emissions


2021-22 Energy Data Breakdown by Consumption
Total Electricity kWh 3,999,689 14,793,304 18,792,993
Total GaskWh 15,086,638 23,162,072 38,248,710
Total Fuel OilkWh 0139,014 139,014
Total Fuellitres 18,825
Total RenewableskWh 178,093

2021-22 Energy Data Breakdown by Carbon Emissions
Total ElectricityTCO₂ 8052,978 3,783
Total GasTCO₂ 2,7584,234 6,992
Total Fuel OilTCO₂0 3737
Total FuelTCO₂0 5050
Total RenewablesTCO₂000
Total EmissionsTCO₂ 10,862


Aug 23SepOctNovDecJan 24FebMarAprMayJunJulTotal
2023-24 Target Consumption (m³) 13216 15049 27271 2142718017 21577 17954 24962 17517 18232 19866 13983 229072
2023-24 Actual Consumption (m³) 18123 18149 29327 30110 22610 24836 143155
Cumulative 2023-24 Target Consumption (m³) 13216 28266 55537 76964 94982 116558 134512 159475 176992 195224 215089 229072 229072
Cumulative 2023-24 Actual Consumption (m³) 18123 36272 65599 95709 118319 143155
Cumulative Variation (m³) 4907 8006 10062 18745 23337 26597
Cumulative Variation (%) 37.1% 28.3% 18.1% 24.4% 24.6% 22.8%  
Water consumption 2023-24

The Estates Department- © University of Kent

The University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NN, T: +44 (0)1227 764000

Last Updated: 29/04/2024