Wellbeing Cafe

A space to connect with other students in a relaxed environment with a focus on promoting your wellbeing and mental health through activity.

Welcome to the Wellbeing Café. A space to connect with other students in a relaxed environment with a focus on promoting your wellbeing and mental health through activity. University life is great, but not without challenges to navigate. Everyone can use a bit of extra support at times, encouragement from others, and ideas that can bring about change. Opportunity to engage in activities individually and as part of a group can promote wellbeing and to develop friendship networks. Activities can provide a much needed time away from other pressures, giving new opportunities of discovery and experience of pleasure. Building helpful habits and routine into our daily lives with a balance of activities keeps us well physically and emotionally. The Wellbeing Café hopes to provide you with opportunity to do just that.The Wellbeing Café is facilitated by Tara and Helen, Mental Health Advisors from the Student Support and Wellbeing Team. It is an informal friendly group. A typical Wellbeing Café may look something like this…..Being offered some refreshments as you arrive, the facilitators welcoming the group and space for students to check in about how their week has been; the good, the bad and the ugly! An activity will be introduced around the “Theme of the day”, and we will allow 30 minutes for this. There will be discussion around what the activity has prompted in us and how this can be beneficial in our daily lives. This term we will be building our own self soothe box.

    We hope you would like to join us on Mondays 3:30-4:45pm term time, in the K-Bar Red Room (next to K-Bar), Keynes College.

      Booking details

      You are welcome to just turn up, but feel free to email kentSSW@kent.ac.uk for more details.

      student guide peer support #DHM24