Shut Up and Write - In person (Canterbury)

Want to write but feeling unmotivated, or have writer’s block? The idea behind Shut Up and Write is that you bring your notes and writing implements (whether pen and paper or laptop), and write in focused, concentrated bursts with short breaks for chats with other Researchers. It’s a great way to get writing, even if you edit later!

Want to write but feeling unmotivated, or have writer’s block? The idea behind Shut Up and Write is that you write in focused, concentrated bursts with short breaks for chats with other Researchers. It’s a great way to get writing, even if you edit later!Our rules are: 

Mobile phones must be switched off and stashed away!

Silence during writing.

Booking details

Please book via: https://grctraining.targetconn...

postgraduateresearch write shutupandwrite Researcher Development Summer