Campus Pride Funfair

Join the LGBTQ+ Network for a fun and accessible pride event on campus!
Join the LGBTQ+ Network for a fun and accessible pride event on campus!

The LGBTQ+ Student Network will be hosting an accessible pride event on campus this year, to ensure that everyone gets a chance to celebrate. The small, funfair-style event will include some arts and crafts, childhood carnival games, prizes, and much more! 

The event will be wheelchair accessible and neurodivergent friendly - all hosted outside on the Union Plaza (by the Co-Op) with no loud music, strictly no alcohol, fidgets, our Welfare Officer present, and any other accommodations requested for the event that we can make happen! 

The nearest toilets will be located in the Jarman building, which is open for all. There are also sofas in here away from the sun. There will be some shade for respite from the heat at the event, but space is limited, so you're welcome to go and cool off and come back whenever you want!  

Please feel to invite any friends from any other universities, and we hope to see you there!

* Free wristbands for the Canterbury Pride Parade can also be collected at this event!

Kent Union Pride