Look After Your Mate Student Workshop

We know that often friends are the first support network students turn to when they are experiencing difficulties, but it's not always easy to know what to say when a friend is struggling.

For Mental Health Awareness Week, Kent Union has organised two workshops which aims to give you the practical skills and knowledge to support a friend in need whilst protecting your own wellbeing. 

The workshops will include:

  • Understanding mental health, the challenges and what support is available
  • How to support a friend or colleague experiencing difficulties
  • How to start a conversation
  • Signposting to further support
  • Understanding your own wellbeing and how to look after yourself

The workshops are open to all students whether you are currently supporting a friend, want to be prepared for the future or just have a keen interest in wellbeing. You will receive a certificate from Student Minds upon completion.

The workshop is approximately two hours long. Spaces are limited to 20 students per workshop so register now to avoid disappointment.

Booking details

Students can sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/2uGXQdTmwJ

KentUnion Student wellbeing wellbeing Mental Health union Kent Union students union student union studentunion studentsunion