Meet the Team
'Your Transport Team sits within the Commercial Services and Estates Directorate and is located at the Security & Transport building in Canterbury. We are here to help with any queries regarding travel to, from and between campuses’.
University Travel Plans
Research has shown that active Travel Plans that include relevant initiatives, actions and effective parking management are more successful in achieving changes in reducing single car occupancy. Our plans supports the University commitments to improve air quality, reduce carbon emissions and improve our local environment for our staff, students and local communities. Travel Plans are also used to support planning applications alongside our Transport Statements.
University Transport Statements
A Transport Statement is a simplified Transport Assessment and has been written for each new development at the University. They assess the movement and travel to establish if there are issues arising in developments and if there are any decide on how to overcome these. Each one has been written to support our campus Travel Plans and planning applications or Breeam assessment.
University Traffic Management & Movement Plans
A Traffic Management & Movement plan (often shortened to a “TMP”) is a document that details the way activities in the road, car park, footway or cycleway corridors will be carried out so they minimise inconvenience and help ensure users remain as safe as possible for everyone. Usually it must be approved by the Head of Traffic Management & Travel.
University Canterbury Movement & Transport Strategy
This strategy supports the Canterbury Framework Master Plan. It aims to improve connectivity, enhance accessibility and sustainability, improve the quality and safety of the transport infrastructure and provide a framework for future planning applications.
Parking Privacy Policy
The law requires us to provide information about who we are, how to contact us, the purpose for which your personal data is used and who we share it with. View our Parking Privacy Policy for details we collect and use your personal data for parking
Regulations for the Management of Traffic & Travel
The University of Kent has a responsibility to manage traffic and travel to and from our campuses in an environmentally responsible manner thereby improving the quality of life for the University and the wider community. These Regulations support the University Travel Plans and ensures traffic is managed effectively to the benefit of those who study, work or visit the University. The University is a member of the British Parking Association and operates its parking enforcement as a member of the Approved Operator Scheme.
Transport Service Level Statement
Our Service level Statement provides a brief statement explaining to you the level of service that you can expect. Please do provide feedback to help us improve our service or update us on what is going well.