Plan your Public Transport Route

The Medway and Canterbury campuses are served by regular bus services and a short distance from the local train stations.

Google maps allows you to plan your journey by public transport. Using street view will allow you to look around and familiarize yourself with the surroundings, you can even view stops and make interactive journeys!

Traveline finds routes and times for a selection of public transport and walking journeys.

Moovit is a free Smartphone app allowing you to plan and check the status of your journey on public transport.

Kent Connected is managed by Kent Highways (part of Kent County Council) and download their app for a free journey planner that empowers you to make smarter travel choices with your health, time, and the environment in mind. 

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, check our News and Advice page for travel advice and known local disruptions. Also, find out why it is best to plan your journey on our Planning Your Journey page.   

Last updated