While we review our Regulatory Framework due to the upcoming modifications for the academic year 2025/26, all of the below documents remain in force for the academic year 2024/25.
Regulations for Research Courses of Study
Regulations for Research Courses of Study (including New Route PhD Programmes) DOC
The University of Kent's General Regulations for Students DOC
Student Charter Web page
Annex 1: PhD Awarded on the Basis of Published Works (Staff Only) DOC
Annex 1: Appendix 1 Application for Approval of Registration and Staff Fee Remission DOC
Annex 2: PhD Awarded on the Basis of Published Works (Non-staff) DOC
Annex 2: Appendix 1 Prima Facie Assessment by the School DOC
Regulatory Framework for Professional Doctorates DOC
Progression Rules: PhD Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate DOC