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Regulatory Framework


All courses and awards are governed by University Regulations that are designed to ensure each course and award is structured, delivered and assessed fairly, consistently and transparently.  

Documents published by the Quality Assurance and Compliance Office (QACO) -

While we review our Regulatory Framework due to the upcoming modifications for the academic year 2025/26, all of the below documents remain in force for the academic year 2024/25.

Highlighted links

Academic Regulations for Taught Courses

Includes the Medway School of Pharmacy and Canterbury Christ Church University

Codes of Practice for Taught Courses

Codes of Practice and the associated documents that describe the requirements for Taught Courses in order to maintain quality and standards

Credit Framework

Credit Framework and the associated documents that set out the requirements for the award of credit and qualification

Assessment Regulations Framework

Framework on the format, design and marking of assessment as conducted on modules and courses leading to University credit or a University award

Academic Regulations for Research Courses

Includes External Research degrees, Split PhD Candidates and co-supervisory of dual awards and Standing Orders Governing Research Appeals

Codes of Practice for Research Courses

Codes of Practice and the associated documents that describe the requirements for Research Courses in order to maintain quality and standards

Academic Policies

Includes the Academic Appeals Policy and the Student Attendance and Engagement Policy

Examination Guidance

Includes guidance for examiners on examining students on taught and research courses

Procedures and Guidance

Includes the Social Work Professional Suitability Procedures, Fitness to Practice Procedures for Programmes Other than Social Work, guidance documents

Quality Assurance Information

Includes Kent's Degree Outcome Statement and information about quality assurance training

Quality Assurance News

Includes a summary of changes to the Regulatory Framework and related announcements

Last updated