Functions of the group
- Develop and monitor progress towards key commitments set out in the University’s Sustainability and Net Zero strategy.
- To develop the University’s Sustainability policy
- To oversee the Environmental Management System Management Review, agreeing or specifying actions arising.
- To direct and support sub-groups and working groups to deliver against key commitments
- To monitor and ensure sufficient internal skills and resources to deliver our sustainability commitments
- To ensure that sustainability is included in the financial decision making of the University and that we monitor our investments in line with the ethical investment policy.
- To provide robust Leadership for sustainability across the organisation.
- To produce and present an annual sustainability report to council.
Terms of Reference
Chair – Richard Reece (DVC Education and Student Experience)
- Sustainability Manager – Catherine Morris
- Head of HSES – Jim Bloor
- SCO Sub-Group – Helen Holland, Gary Law
- SCR Sub-Group – William Collier, Sideeq Mohammed
- PESE Sub-Group – Melissa Browne, Mica Rose)
- Net Zero Working Group – John Kingsland, Mark Reed
- Biodiversity Working Group – Emily Mason, tbc
Meetings will be held at least quarterly and be chaired by the DVC Education and Student Experience. Meetings will be minuted and an action list produced for all the members following each meeting.
Our Sustainability and Net Zero strategy and the certification of our Environmental Management System to the ISO14001 standard will be overseen by the Sustainability Steering Group.
Delivery of our key strategic commitments and operational of the Environmental Management System will be undertaken across 3 core sub-groups and 2 working groups. Overall functions and responsibilities of these sub-groups are set out within the SSG ToR.
- Sustainable Campus Operations (SCO)
- Sustainable Curriculum and Research (SCR)
- Sustainability Partnerships, Engagement and Student Experience (SPESE)
Working groups
- Net Zero and Climate Change
- Biodiversity Forum
At least 2 members of each sub group and working group will attend SSG meetings. Sub-groups and Working groups will report to the SSG quarterly and through updates to the sustainability dashboard as appropriate.
Reporting structure
The Sustainability Steering Group will formally report to the Health, Safety, Security and Environment Committee through to EG or to the relevant board(s) through the DVC Education and Student Experience. The group also has a reporting line to Council and will provide an annual report on Sustainability.
For more information or other queries relating to the Sustainability Steering Group, please contact Catherine Morris (Sustainability Manager) on