We set SMART targets against all of our significant operational areas. These are reported on annually as part of the Environmental Management System Management review process

More information about these targets and the action plans for achieving them can be found by reading the relevant operational strategies or visiting local webpages using the link below

Target summary

Operational Area Target (2022/23) Actual (2022/23)  Target achieved? Target (2023/24)
Carbon Emissions

Achieve 20% reduction against 2018/19 baseline

10,502 tonnes (16.8% reduction against baseline)


Achieve 25% reduction against 2018/19 baseline

Water Consumption

Achieve 2% year-on-year reduction

290,314 m3 (22% increase)


Achieve 2% year-on-year reduction

Waste and Recycling

Reduce proportion of general waste to 41.5% 



Reduce general waste proportion to 40% 

Increase proportion of waste reuse to 6.25%



Increase waste reuse proportion to 7%

Biodiversity and Landscape



Achieve a minimum of 80% of the committed areas of coppicing annually (Coupe 8 Brotherhood Wood - 3898m2)

33561m2 = 91%


Achieve a minimum of 80% of the committed areas of coppicing annually 

Complete 1 central campus biodiversity project

Creation of Diamond anniversary orchard 300 fuit and nut trees


Complete 1 central campus biodiversity project

Increase acerage of flower and grass meadows by minimum of 2 acres by 2025 

0.2 acres in 2022/23

4.6 acres overall 


Increase acerage of flower and grass meadows by 0.4 acres

Install 1 interpretation board

Biodiversity Stratgey board installed on central campus


Install 1 interpretation board


To develop and publish new travel plan

Published March 2023


To reduce the total number of staff purchasing annual parking permits from 32% by a further 5% by 2027


To conduct staff and student travel survey to establish baseline data

Conducted November 2022


Increase the percentage of staff and student’s car sharing from 7% to 12% by 2027.





Reduce the number of staff single occupancy vehicle journeys from 72% to 67% by 2027





To increase the percentage of staff cycling from 3% to 7% by 2027





To increase the percentage of students cycling from 1% to 5% by 2027

Construction and refurbishment

Achieve a minimum of 60% of in scope criteria using the in-house sustainablity assessment checklist 

Applies to all construction and refurbishment projects over £100k

Achieved for trial project - Registry Entrance refurbishment - 71.4% 


Achieve a minimum of 60% of in scope criteria using the in-house sustaiablity assessment checklist

Emissions and Discharges

 Maintain fugitive F-gas emissions to under 10 tCO2e annually

219.4 tonnes


Maintain fugitive F-gas emissions to under 10 tCO2e annually


Develop catagory specific stragey documents for each procurmeent catagory. Each catagory should be assessed by the Sustainability team as green (low sustainability risk), amber (medium sustainability risk) or red (high sustainabiolity risk) and catagory strategies shoild include additional sustainability questions and/or increased weightings commensurate with the level of risk.

Roll over to 2023/24 due to staff resource issues


As 2022/23

Engagement and Community

Achieve 60 sustainability champions with all 6 divisions represenated

68 champions, all divisions represented


Collect baseline information on the following activities:

Recruit and train 3 champions for peer-to-peer pilot projects

scrapped in favour of redeveloping new version of the network. 5 champions recruited to focus group


Total staff newsletter views/clicks

Deliver 4 events/activities including a summer celebration

5 events held

Yes Sustainability website views

Develop opportunities for staff to engage with campus volunteering centrered around sustainability

in progress, staff have been involved in on campus projects for 23/24


Earned media coverage

100 themed posts across Instagram and Twitter

12 themed internal communication

102 posts

12 internal newsletters




Social media engagemnt/views

Last updated