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Monday 25th October
SDG and a Cup of Tea: Climate Action - A COP26 discussion
The Sustainability Team revisited their online series of SDG and a Cup of Tea, bringing the focus back onto Sustainable Development Goal 13 during Climate Action Week. All staff were invited to this online session which gave a summary of the activities that were planned in the lead up to COP26 and the University's new carbon commitments. This session allowed us to host a conversation around what staff can do to directly support rapid carbon reduction at the University and beyond.
The SDG and Cup of Tea series enables for informal networking and discussions on key sustainability topics.
Tuesday 26th October
Launch of the University of Kent’s Sustainability Strategy introduced by Professor Richard Reece, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience
Thank you to those that joined us for the launch of the University of Kent Sustainability Strategy for Climate and the Sustainable Development Goals as part of our Climate Action Week on Tuesday 26th October 2021.
This online event began with an introduction to the Strategy by Dr Catherine Morris, Environmental Adviser, who presented the four major themes running through the Strategy. This was followed by a panel discussion and Q&A chaired by Dr Anthony Manning, Dean for Internationalisation, on the future of Sustainability at Kent, and how the strategy will be implemented across the University. We then announced a range of exciting follow up activities and events in celebration of the progress that divisions and departments are making with implementing the strategy, including a poster series, showcase event and KMTV film.
- Introduction to the Strategy by Professor Richard Reece, EG lead for Sustainability
- Presentation of the Strategy by Dr Catherine Morris, Environmental Adviser
- Panel discussion and Q&A on the implementation of the Strategy chaired by Dr Anthony Manning, Dean for Internationalisation
- Launch of the strategy follow up events
Wednesday 27th October
Sustainability Tour
Dr William Rowlandson, Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies led us on a Sustainability Tour of campus following the Sustainable Development Goals trail.
On the tour, William shared how he has responded to the University's commitment to the UN SDG Education Accord, including showcasing the Modern Language module LANG5001 Cultures of Sustainability, discussing his role as one of the staff volunteer Sustainability Champions, and his experiences as co-founder of the Canterbury Climate Action Partnership (CCAP).
Leaving from the Senate building, the tour took a loop around the Canterbury campus ending with an introduction to the Kent Community Oasis Garden at Parkwood from Sustainability Coordinator Emily Mason.
Thursday 28th October
COP26@Kent: Co-Create your campus of the future
As part of Climate Action Week, the Sustainability Team hosted a special interactive event at the Gulbenkian to gain your input and co-create the campus of the future. This gave the opportunity to showcase key areas of sustainability activity happening at the University and to ask students, staff and community members to have their say and share their ideas of how we might transform these areas into truly sustainable and innovative good practice exemplars. The areas that were represented included: Waste and Procurement, Energy and Buildings, Curriculum and Research, Sustainable Food, Biodiversity and Grounds, Sustainable Transport (including representatives from Stagecoach and Bird), and Student Action (including representatives from the SAC Sustainability Working Group, and the ECS Society). We received lots of input from staff, students, and the public, helping us to collectively create better plans for the future.
We also launched the Sustainability Ideas Factory competition aimed at rewarding the best student ideas for sustainability and turning them into a reality.
Friday 29th October
Communications round-up and celebration of the week. For more information about the week, see our blogpost below.