Dr Edd Pitt

Centre for the Study of Higher Education - Reader and Director PGCHE
+44 (0)1227 824307
Dr Edd Pitt


Edd is the Programme Director for the Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education and Reader in Higher Education and Academic Practice at the University of Kent, UK. Edd has recently been collaborating with Academics in the UK and Australia. His principle research field is Assessment and Feedback with a particular focus upon student's emotional processing during feedback situations. His current research agenda is supported by a grant from the British Academy to explore UK undergraduate students’ experiences and use of Dialogic Feedback.

Research interests

Edd has recently been collaborating with Academics in the UK and Australia. His principle research field is Assessment and Feedback with a particular focus upon student's emotional processing during feedback situations. His current research agenda is supported by a grant from the British Academy to explore UK undergraduate students’ experiences and use of Dialogic Feedback.

Recent Grants


  • British Academy grant £5200 - Does engaging students in dialogic feedback improve their utilisation of feedback?
  • SEDA small grants £1000 - Everybody Hurts: Sharing Feedback experiences through Intellectual Candour to Develop Staff & Student Feedback Literacy
  • Surrey Institute of Advance Studies - £3500 & European Association for Research in Learning Instruction (EARLI) - £900 - Feedback literacy from education to professional practice


  • Teaching Enhancement Small Support Awards (TESSA) £2500 - Piloting the Feedback and Engagement Tracking System (FEATS) at Kent



Edd is the Programme Director for the Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education and Reader in Higher Education and Academic Practice

Edd’s work at Kent combines teaching on the PGCHE and Associate Fellowship Scheme with professional development for more experienced staff at the University and its partner colleges. He is module convenor for:



  • Founding member of the University of Kent's Assessment and Feedback Steering Group.
  • Member of the Social Science Faculty Education Board
  • Organiser of the University Learning & Teaching Conference
  • Organiser of the University Learning & Teaching Prizes

External Activities

  • External Examiner PGCHE Staffordshire University
  • External validator HEA CPD Framework Staffordshire University
  • External Examiner PGCHE University of Essex
Last updated