Student expectations survey - chance to win £300 Amazon voucher

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To be in with the chance of winning a whopping £300 Amazon voucher, take just 10 minutes to fill in the Student Success Expectations Survey.

This questionnaire is for first year students and aims to find out your academic expectations and plans for the year. We use the results to find out what you hope to achieve at Kent, and how best to support you (so taking part is a win-win). 

Complete the survey to be in the running for our star prize, and you’ll also be added to a Divisional draw for a £20 Amazon voucher! The more students that complete the survey in your Division, the greater your chance of winning, so remind your friends to take the survey too (we’ll even organise a Divisional social if enough students take part).

Completing the survey is also worth 5 Employability Points – these can be cashed in to apply for exclusive internships, placements and training on the Employability Points Scheme. The Student Success Team will get in touch directly with any lucky winners to arrange prize collection.

The survey closes on Monday 24 October at 17.00.

Last updated