Module Changes

We're going to be introducing a new academic year structure from September 2025 which means we will also be making some adjustments to your modules. Find out more on what this would mean for you and how you can help us to shape the plans.

The 2025/26 academic term will change to three 10-week terms with assessment taking place within the term the module is taught in. This is based on your feedback around how we can better help you manage your studies alongside other activities and responsibilities.

To support this, we're making changes so that you study two 20-credit modules in each term, or in some cases larger modules that you study across multiple terms. 

Your course and degree title will stay the same and you'll be studying the same topics on the same timeframe. There will just be possible adjustments to module names and assessment methods to make sure we continue to offer the best learning experience possible. For students with ILPs your reasonable adjustments will not be affected and will remain the same. 

Watch our video for a summary of what's changing and when

Deputy Sponsor for Education Modernisation Prof Eddy Hogg
University of Kent.

Hear more from Dr Eddy Hogg on why we are making changes to improve our education offer at Kent

What happens next?

These changes are due to come into effect from September 2025 and will apply to all students who are studying with us at that time.  

If this affects you we'll be emailing you from Tuesday 19 June with a summary of proposed adjustments to modules on your course. You'll then have a full month to respond in your own time whenever you can - we’ll be looking for your views on both the numbers of optional and compulsory modules and what you think these should be.  

Your Director of Studies will then review feedback and be in touch in August to confirm any changes they make as a result of your feedback. There’ll be further opportunities to clarify anything at this stage, with any changes confirmed well in advance of your 2025/26 modules starting. 

Where can I find my module specifications?

All future module specifications are available on our Course Specification webpages, with different sections depending on what year you will enter in September 2025.

The module specifications have the following tabs:

  • Overview tab gives a general summary of any changes 
  • Compulsory Modules tab contains modules that must be taken by every student on the course 
  • Optional Modules tab gives information on modules you may be able to choose, where relevant 
  • Details tab outlines details like the teaching site and number of credits 
  • Course Learning Outcomes explains more on the skills, qualities and understanding you’ll get out of the course 

Not sure about something to do with your module specifications? Drop us an email at

Get in touch

You can get in touch with us directly at or via Nexus if you want to talk it through. There’ll also be a student forum on Tuesday 4 June as well if you’d like to come and ask us questions directly.


There may be changes to the number of modules you will be studying in your third year. We’ll be communicating the changes for your particular course in June, giving you a full month to provide feedback if you wish to.   

These changes will only apply to you if you are still studying with us in September 2025.     

These changes are due to come into effect from September 2025 and will apply to all students who are studying with us at that time. Your course and degree title will stay the same and you’ll still be studying the same topics within your usual timeframe – it's more about possible adjustments to module names, details and assessment methods to support the new term structure we are bringing in.    

We’ll be communicating the changes for your particular course in June, giving you a full month to respond in your own time whenever you can. We’ll be looking for your views on both the numbers of optional and compulsory modules and what you think these should be.     

 If you would like to access further support, please contact nexus who will be able to signpost you to the correct team   

Yes - these changes will not affect your current ILP.   

Last updated