Cost of living support for Kent students

Cost of Living Support

We’re here to support you with managing the cost of living.

Cost of Living Student Survey Results

Kent Union and the University of Kent have joined forces with The Food Foundation to carry out the Cost of Living Survey for students across the Canterbury and Medway campuses for a second year. The survey aimed to understand how the cost-of-living crisis has impacted Kent students and figure out how we can best support our students at this time.

Watch Zaid, your Students' Union President, break down the survey results and discuss next steps. 

Support during exams

During exams especially, you don’t want money worries to negatively affect your studies. 

From free sanitary products to laptop loans, find out how we can support you so you can fulfil your potential this exam season.   

Access to food

We are working with Kent Union to ensure no student goes without food. 

Students eating in Rutherford Dining Hall

£3 Meal Deals

Woolf Lounge

Microwaves and hot water points

  • We have microwaves and hot water points on campus in many of our social spaces.
  • See map of warm spaces including microwaves at Canterbury and Medway.
  • You can bring in your own food to reheat or use the hot water taps to make a hot drink. 

Student at food donation point

Free or reduced food

Two students fist bumping at the gym.

Monthly gym membership payment option

Kent Sport, in collaboration with Kent Union, are delighted to offer a new Kent Sport membership payment plan for students; monthly payments. 

This helps make the gym more accessible for all our students, breaking down a key barrier to participation.

How can we look after our mental health during a time of financial stress?

During a cost-of-living crisis, day-to-day activities can feel overwhelming, and your mental health may be worse than usual. Togetherall’s clinical team share some things you can do to ensure you’re keeping well and getting the right support.

As a Kent student, you have free access to Togetherall, where you can get support from real people going through similar experiences. Share anonymously, with no judgement or stigma and there is no waiting list, you can access in minutes.

Read more from Togetherall’s clinical team about looking after your mental health during a time of financial stress.

Featured story

Student on laptop looking stressed

Video: Accessing financial support

Discover where you can get financial support and advice at the University of Kent.