Student Success DOs (Development Officers) and SSAMs (Student Success Assistant Managers - School Leads) have been using the RMS to record and monitor the planning, delivery and evaluation of all activities and interventions against APP targets for almost a full academic year. Student Success staff have reported that the RMS has improved the process for them, ensures they are recording items fully and consistently and has sped up the evaluation process.
School Plans for the 2024-25 academic year have been reported on automatically using a customised PowerBI interface. Reports are circulated digitally although a report print out can be produced via the app and shared with governance groups and internally to track progress and objectives toward institutional and school-level changes.
The resulting reports are shorter than the 30-70 page reports typically produced before and allow the viewer to interact with the data to interrogate rationales, processes and outcomes.
This means the reports are much more visual and easier to navigate for staff to be able to pinpoint