Student Welfare and Community Life

Two people having a conversation.

Student Welfare and Community Life

The Student Welfare and Community Life team is a first point of contact for students in need of support.

No matter how big or how small the issue, contact us to talk about what may be bothering you, especially when you are not sure of the options, or when things feel too difficult to manage on your own.

We are here to help with a range of circumstances and situations, and if needed we can also direct you to appropriate specialist services for additional support.

We are available to meet in person or on Teams, and via email or phone call.

Email and Phone Call

For safety and support queries, or for questions related to hardship funding or household and accommodation issues

Email or 

Call 01227 827010 (+44 1227 827010 outside of the UK).

For questions or concerns related to University-related community projects or students in the community

Email or

Call 01227 823141 (+44 1227 823141 outside of the UK).

Student Meetings

Student Drop-In

Students may drop-in to speak to someone in-person Monday – Friday, 11am – 1pm and 2 – 4pm.

Find us in Keynes College Building, Room M1.12, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7UG. 

Visit by Appointment

Students may also book an appointment to speak to someone (either in-person or online via Teams). To schedule a meeting, please use the Student Welfare Meeting link (please note that this link is only available to current students).

If you do not see a date and time that will work for you, please email the team to arrange an alternate time. 

What do the Student Welfare and Community Life Team do?

The Student Welfare and Community Life team is here to help with a range of circumstances and situations, including:    

Exceptional Hardship Fund

Has something exceptionally challenging come up that you couldn't have planned for and need financial support with? The Exceptional Hardship Fund (EHF) from the Student Welfare Team is intended to provide quick, small financial support packages to address a specific, immediate emergency situation.

Looking for mental health or emergency support?

If you are looking for more specialist support for mental health, chronic conditions, neurodiversity or disability, please visit the Student Support and Wellbeing webpage to find out more about how expert staff can support you when and how you need it.