‘I joined the Stand-up Comedy Society in September 2022. I’ve always enjoyed comedy and went to my first gig when I was 14, so it was perfect for me. It’s great to be a part of a community where everyone’s happy to discuss comedy. We all write our own material then, when we meet, we try out new ideas and get feedback.
We’re part of the ‘campus comedy circuit’, there’s the Funny Rabbit Comedy Club and those in the society who want to, can perform at Woody’s; there are also opportunities to do gigs off-campus. We promote the ‘professionals’ who perform at the Gulbenkian too.
When I joined I had no intention of performing, but my friends in the society very gently suggested I should, just for five minutes at a small on-campus gig. I wasn’t keen because I get terrible stage fright, but they all said that once I was on stage that would disappear. I didn’t really believe them but I decided to give it a go. And actually, it’s true! The minute you tell your first joke and get a laugh, the fear melts away.
I’ve done 12 gigs now and the more experience I get, the more fun it is. I absolutely love it!
This year I’ve become the social secretary, which means I’m helping to create performance opportunities for all of us, as well as arranging other social events. My organisation skills have definitely improved. That’s the thing about societies, you don’t just have a great time doing something you love, you also develop other skills that look great on your CV.
So join a society, you won’t regret it. And if you love comedy, join us – it’s a laugh!’