Use this form at Stage 3 of the complaints process if you are not happy with the outcome of your Stage 2 Formal Complaint.
Following an outcome from a formal complaint, if you feel the formal complaint outcome was not adequate, you have the option to request a review, using the Stage 3 Review Complaint form below.
When to use this form:
- You must already have completed and received an outcome from a Stage 2 formal complaint.
When NOT to use this form:
- If you have not already received an outcome from a Stage 2 formal complaint.
- If your complaint is about a student, please refer to the Student Conduct pages or complete a Student Discipline Form.
- If your complaint is related to Academic Appeals, please refer to the Quality Assurance and Compliance Office (QACO) for further information.
- If your complaint Accommodation related, please refer to the Accommodation Complaint Procedure in the first instance.
- If you are not current student or recent graduate.