Inter College Tennis League | Kent Sport

Inter College Tennis League

Grab your trainers and represent your college in our Inter College Tennis League!

What is the Inter College Tennis (ICT) League?

ITC is our new student tennis league. Students of any tennis level can play against other University of Kent students representing their respective colleges. 

All equipment including balls and rackets are provided.

This is your chance to get some competitive matches in a light-hearted setting with your friends. Get yourself active, let off steam, practice what you've been working on and find out what you need to improve on between matches.

LEAGUE ENTRIES OPEN, league starts Sunday 20th October

To register your interest, email

League details

Who: All University of Kent students. BUCS tennis players are not eligible.

When: Every Sunday, 4pm to 6pm (term-time only).

Where: The Indoor Tennis Centre at The Pavilion.  

Entry fee: £12 fee for the term. Kent Sport membership required.  

Any questions? Contact our Tennis Manager Nick on

Spring 2024 leader board

The spring league has now ended. We'll be back for the summer term!

2Park Wood49

Inter College Tennis League