Staff Varsity tournament | Kent Sport

Staff Varsity

Friendly sports tournament between Kent and CCCU staff

Welcome to the Staff Varsity competition between the University of Kent and Canterbury Christ Church University. 

Staff Varsity is for anyone wanting to get involved in some friendly rivalry with CCCU and form connections with like minded staff from both universities. The purpose of Staff Varsity is to engage staff in a fun, competitive environment and showcase the University of Kent staff community.

The events are a celebration of the enduring rivalry between the two universities and to create fun memories for staff.

Varsity 2025 coming soon

Staff Varsity 2024 highlights

As we move through the tournament, you can see the match report and photo album from each match here.


At the end of each event, we'll post the results here. (3 points awarded for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss)

Event Kent CCCU
Women’s Netball  3  0
Men’s Football  3  0
Mixed Pickleball  0  3
Mixed Cricket  3
Total 9 3


Interested in joining for 2025?

Wanting to register your interest for 2025? Is there any particular sport you would like to see included? Please fill out our feedback form below: