LSEG Eikon with Datastream for Office

Find investment management opportunities using data, research and analysis tools


Eikon is investment research management software that brings together data, research and analysis tools to help you find investment management opportunities.

Datastream for Office is a historical financial database with millions of individual instruments or indicators across all major asset classes, including 8.5 million active economic indicators. It features 65 years of data, across 175 countries - the information and tools you need to interpret market trends, economic cycles, and the impact of world events.

Tips for using this tool at Kent

  • Peer support, user guides and policies are available through the Datastream Community Microsoft Teams site
  • Datastream is only available with the desktop client for Microsoft Excel

Help & how to get started

Sign-in to Microsoft Teams: how to sign into Teams. Once signed into Teams:

  • Click 'Teams' then 'Join or create team' and enter code 'jqe87en'
  • This joins you to the Datastream Community team, where you'll find a getting started guide and access details
  • Information on Eikon can be found on their website


Free for your own device

Terms of use, copyright and licensing

The University has an agreement for a limited number of Eikon with Datastream for Office licenses

Data Privacy

The University of Kent uses Google Analytics to track how our Software Finder tool is being used. We do not share this data with any third parties.

While we recommend various software tools that may be helpful for both students and staff, it's important for individuals to review the Terms and Conditions of any software they choose to install, especially regarding how it may affect their privacy and personal data.

Please note, the University of Kent is not responsible for the data privacy practices of any third-party software. It is the user's responsibility to understand the privacy policies of the software they use.