
Improve the quality of your writing


Hemingway is a useful tool that can be used to identify areas of improvement in your writing. The Hemingway Editor provides feedback on spelling and grammar errors, readability of text and tone of writing. You can copy and paste text directly into the Editor, it will then highlight sentences or paragraphs that could be improved. The feedback is colour coded which makes it easier to identify what issues are located throughout your text. For example, lengthy sentences will be highlighted in a different colour to mistakes in the tone of writing. Hemingway can be used to prevent overcomplicated and lengthy essays or assignments by suggesting simpler alternatives to choices of words or layout etc. 

Tips for using this tool at Kent

​​​Improve the clarity of your written documents, research papers and assignments

Help & how to get started


  • Hemingway is free to use on the web
  • You can download a desktop app to use on the go for £19.99

Terms of use, copyright and licensing

Hemingway can be used for personal and professional use