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7th South East Mathematical Physics Seminar

The seventh meeting of the South East Mathematical Physics Seminar will be held on Thursday 12th January 2017 at the University of Kent. The meeting is supported by a London Mathematical Society Joint Research Groups grant.

There is no registration fee, but it would be helpful if you could register in advance by emailing Clare Dunning (tcd at

Speakers: Andrea Fontanella (Surrey), Steffen Krusch (Kent), Ana Loureiro (Kent), Marika Taylor (Southampton) and Takato Yoshimura (King's College).

The day will start at 11am with coffee followed by the first talk at 11.30.

Ana Loureiro (University of Kent)
On 2-symmetric multiple polynomials (algebraically) classical

This talk will be mainly focused on sequences of polynomials in one variable that are orthogonal with respect to a vector of weights, which are often referred to as multiple polynomials. I will explained and characterise a special collection of such sequences: the so-called “classical” polynomials that happen to satisfy a certain type of symmetry (which we refer to as the 2-symmetry). These polynomials are an extension of the classical symmetric polynomials (known as Hermite and Gegenbauer polynomials). The realm of applications is very large and certainly they can be excellent gadgets in Mathematical Physics.

Marika Taylor (University of Southampton)
Holography and entanglement

Entanglement entropy is an interesting computable in both quantum information and more generally in condensed matter systems. In recent years gauge/gravity duality has been used to calculate entanglement entropy for a wide range of strongly coupled quantum field theories. This talk will discuss how entanglement entropy is calculated, what features of the QFT it captures, and what entanglement entropy might teach us about RG flows in quantum field theories. A particular focus will be on providing a clean definition of renormalised entanglement entropy.

Andrea Fontanella (University of Surrey)
Supersymmetric Near-Horizon Geometries

The horizon conjecture, proven in a case by case basis, states that every supersymmetric smooth horizon admits an sl(2, R) symmetry algebra. However it is unclear how string corrections modify the statement. In this talk I will present the analysis of supersymmetric near-horizon geometries in heterotic supergravity up to two loop order in sigma model perturbation theory, and show the conditions for the horizon to admit an sl(2, R) symmetry algebra. In the second part of the talk, I shall present a step further on answering the question how many extreme black holes posses a prescribed near-horizon geometry.

Steffen Krusch (University of Kent)
Vortices and impurities

Takato Yoshimura (King's College, London)
Generalized hydrodynamics and its application

In this talk I will present a framework of generalized hydrodynamics (GHD), a novel hydrodynamic theory applicable to a wide class of integrable systems. The theory will be then employed to describe the non-equilibrium transports that emerge after connecting two heat baths of integrable systems prepared at different temperatures. In particular, I will focus on two models, the sinh-Gordon model and the 1D Bose model, to check if their densities / currents satisfy the required properties. Time permitting, I will also explain the zero-temperature GHD and use it to analyze a sudden release of the 1D Bose fluid from a Gaussian trap.

Practical Information

All talks will be in the Mathematics Lecture Theatre in the Institute of Mathematics, Corwallis Building near the Darwin bus stop.

Local travel information including maps may be found here.

Train information may be obtained from here. The quickest train from London to Canterbury (West) takes 56 minutes from St Pancras International.

Funds are available to help with travel expenses of participants with limited sources of funding. We hope that this will encourage postgraduate students and postdocs to attend the meeting. Please email Clare Dunning (tcd at in advance if you would like to apply for support.

To return to the South East Mathematical Physics Seminar webpage and to find information about claiming travel expenses please follow this link.

Go to the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science home page.