Network in Representation Theory and its Applications
EPSRC Grant EP/R009279/1
January 2018 to December 2021
supported by the network
Upcoming activities supported by the Network:
Workshops and Conferences supported by the
Anglo-Franco-German Representation Theory Network (2012-2016)
- Total Positivity: a bridge between Representation Theory and Physics, Canterbury, January 7-12, 2016.
- Algorithms
and Representations, Aachen, July 27-28, 2015.
- Blocks of finite groups and beyond, Jena, July 22-25, 2015.
- Groups, Representations and Cohomology Anglo-Franco-German Summer
School and Conference, Isle of Skye, June 19-26, 2015.
- Workshop on representations of symmetric groups, Hecke algebras
and KLR algebras, Birmingham, July 14-16, 2014.
- Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, Birmingham, June 24-26, 2014
- Kent Algebra Days Young Researchers, Canterbury, June 21-24, 2014.
- Anglo-Franco-German Summer School on Quiver Hecke Algebras and
Conference on Geometric Representation Theory, Cargese, Corsica, June
17-26, 2014.
- Non-crossing partitions in representation theory, Bielefeld, June
12-14, 2014.
- Summer school and PhD-Workshop on PBW filtrations and degenerated
flag varieties, Glasgow, May 19-23, 2014.
- ARTY2 - Algebra & Representation Theory for Young
Researchers, Erlangen, May 8-12, 2014.
- UK Representation Theory Network workshop on Probability and
Representation Theory in Edinburgh, Edinburgh, February 26-28, 2014.
- 38th ARTIN Meeting, Aberdeen, November 11-13, 2013.
- Special BLOC meeting, Oxford, October 17-18, 2013.
- GDRI workshop on Groups, Nonassociative Algebras and
Combinatorics, Luminy, September 30-October 4, 2013.
- Summer School on Character Sheaves, Kaiserslautern, September
16-20, 2013.
- Brauer's problems-50 years on, Manchester, September 2-6, 2013.
- Kent Algebra Days, Canterbury, August 28-30, 2013.
- Summer School on Preprojective Algebra, Bad Duisberg, August
26-30, 2013.
- Perverse sheaves in Representation Theory: Nilpotent Cones, Flag
Varieties, Affine Grassmannians, Besse, June 24-27, 2013.
- LMS meeting and workshop on Triangulations and Mutations,
Newcastle, March 18-22, 2013.
- Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory, BMC workshop,
Sheffield, March 27-28 2013, Sheffield.
Some links from "Representation Theory
Across the Channel"
- LMS Invited Lectures by 2006 Fields medalist Andrei Okounkov,
7-11 April 2008, Imperial College, London
- Algebraic groups and related topics, LMS-EPSRC short course,
15-19 September 2008, University Birmingham
- Algèbres de Hecke, groupes et géométrie, 13-17 October 2008,
CIRM, Luminy (France)
- Algebraic Lie Theory, January-June 2009, Isaac Newton Institute,
Cambridge, UK
- 46th BLOC meeting, 1-2 July 2009, University of Leicester
- Fusion Days, 10-11 September 2009, Université d'Amiens
- Sheaves in Representation Theory, 23-28 May 2010, Isle of Skye.
- Kent Algebra Days 2010, 24-26 June 2010, Canterbury
- 50th BLOC/REPNET meeting, 9-10 September 2010, University of
- Lie theory day, 25 November 2010, University of Oxford
- Groupes de Chevalley, groupes de réflexions, groupes de tresses.
Conférence en l'honneur de F. Digne et J. Michel, Ecole de Physique des
Houches, 24-28 January 2011; see also Geometry and representations of
algebraic groups, Lausanne, 21 January 2011.
- LMS Midlands regional meeting on representation theory in modern
mathematics, 14-18 June 2011, University of Birmingham