Positivity: A bridge between Representation Theory and Physics 7–12/01/2016 Abstracts |
* Susama Agarwala, Grassman Geometry and Wilson Loop Diagrams Abstract: Wilson Loop Diagrams
are the Feynman diagrams of SYM N=4 theory. Rather than studying the
amplitude as a whole, in this talk, I present the appearance of
positive Grassmannians in these calculations, and show how they
simplify the combinatorics of the integrals. I also present an
interesting class of Wilson loop diagrams with curious integrals.
* Nima Arkani-Hamed, Quantum Field Theory as Positive Geometry: Scattering Amplitudes and the Amplituhedron * David Hernandez, Asymptotical representations categorifying cluster algebras Abstract:
In his seminar work, Baxter established that the spectrum of the 6 (and
8)-vertex model can be described in terms of polynomials and of the
Baxter's QT-relation. Frenkel-Reshetikhin conjectured that the there is
an analog form for the spectrum of more general quantum integrable
Our recent proof (with E. Frenkel) of this conjecture for arbitrary untwisted affine types is based on the study of the "prefundamental representations". We had previous constructed these prefundamental representations with M. Jimbo as asymptotical limits of the Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules over the quantum affine algebra. One of the crucial point for our proof of the conjecture is to establish generalized Baxter's as relations in the Grothendieck ring of a category O containing these prefundamental representations. In a joint work with B. Leclerc, we use this category O and such asymptotical representations to obtain new monoidal categorification of (infinite rank) cluster algebras. In particular, the celebrated Baxter relations for the 6-vertex model get interpreted as Fomin-Zelevinsky mutation relations. This project is supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's Framework Programme H2020 with ERC Grant Agreement number 647353 Qaffine. * Tom Lenagan, Invariant prime ideals in the quantum grassmannian Abstract:
There is a natural torus action on the quantum grassmannian (a
deformation of the homogeneous coordinate ring of the grassmannian).
Remarkably, the invariant prime ideals under this action are
parameterised by exactly the same combinatorial objects as the cells in
the totally nonnegative grassmannian -- Cauchon-Le diagrams. The talk
will survey known and conjectured results on this invariant prime
spectrum and the corresponding results for the algebra of quantum
matrices. This is joint work (or work in progress) at various times
with: Karel Casteels, Ken Goodearl, Ann Kelly, Stephane Launois,
Laurent Rigal, and Ewan Russell.
* Robert Marsh, Twists of Pluecker coordinates as dimer partition functions Abstract: Joint work with J.Scott.
By a result of J. Scott, the homogeneous coordinate ring of the Grassmannian Gr(k,n) can be realised as a cluster algebra. We introduce a twist map on Gr(k,n). We show that it is related to a twist of Berenstein-Fomin-Zelevinsky and can be implemented by a maximal green sequence, up to frozen variables. The Pluecker coordinates of the Grassmannian are all cluster variables. We give Laurent expansions for twists of Pluecker coordinates as scaled dimer partition functions (matching polynomials) on weighted versions the plabic (planar bicoloured) graphs arising in the cluster structure. * Lionel Mason, The twistor action and corralahedra Abstract:
The twistor action for N=4 super Yang-Mills can be used to define a
diagram formalism for Wilson-loops that are dual to amplitudes and
other correlators. We show how these diagrams naturally relate to
grassmannians and tile a corralahedron by analogy with the
original amplituhedron for the Wilson loop. We use the framework
to find invariant forms for low lying stress-energy correlators. This
covers some joint work with Susama Agarwala, Burkhard Eden and Paul
Heslop. * Sophie Morier-Genoud, Friezes, moduli spaces and difference equations Abstract: Frieze patterns of
numbers are combinatorial objects introduced by Coxeter in the early
70's. The recent revival of friezes is due to connections with the
theory of cluster algebras. After a short and elementary introduction
to Coxeter's friezes and their generalizations, I will explain how the
spaces of friezes are identified with the moduli spaces of points in
projective spaces. In addition, these two spaces are also isomorphic to
certain spaces of periodic linear difference equations. This “triality”
allows us to combine analytic, geometric and combinatorial approaches
to study the spaces, and convert information from one to another. We
will illustrate this principle with the Gale transform. [joint work
with Ovsienko, Schwartz, Tabachnikov]
* Valentin Ovsienko, Superfriezes and superclusters Abstract:
I will describe a supersymmetric analog of the Coxeter frieze patterns,
related with linear difference operators generalizing the classical
Hill's operators. (This part of the talk is a joint work with S.
Morier-Genoud and S. Tabachnikov.) Using superfriezes as a starting
example, I will then present an attempt to develop the notion of
cluster superalgebra.
* Brenda Penante, On-shell diagrams in N=4 Super Yang-Mills beyond the planar limit Abstract:
Among the many recent developments in the study of scattering
amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory is its dual
formulation in terms of an integral over the Grassmannian Gr(k,n) --
the space of k-planes in n dimensions. This formulation is tied to the
concept of on-shell diagrams, bipartite graphs which relate field
theory with combinatorics and graph theory.
The planar limit (SU(N) gauge group with N large) is well understood and the Grassmannian description simplifies to a much simpler subset of the whole space - the Positive Grassmannian. In this talk I will discuss which of the above features are still present when moving beyond the planar limit and what new aspects arise. * Konni Rietsch, Mirror Symmetry for Grassmannians Abstract: I will report on joint work with Robert Marsh and joint work with Lauren Williams on mirror symmetry for Grassmannians. In toric geometry the mirror superpotential of a smooth toric Fano variety is a Laurent polynomial thought of as a function on the dual torus. The Grassmannian X is not toric, but we show that in this setting the role of the dual torus is taken over essentially by a union of (dual) tori; namely these are the cluster charts in a cluster structure on a Langlands dual Grassmannian X^. In the work with Marsh we construct the superpotential of a Grassmannian X as a regular function W on this cluster variety in X^, and we prove that it encodes Gromov-Witten invariants of the original Grassmannian via an associated Gauss-Manin system. Our superpotential W extends a Laurent polynomial superpotential introduced by Eguchi Hori and Xiong, and our result proves formulas for Gromov-Witten invariants of Grassmannians conjectured in the late 90's by Batyrev, Ciocan-Fontanine, Kim and van Straten. In the work with Williams we identify tori in the original Grassmannian X to which the tori on the mirror side are dual tori. We show that this duality of tori is reflected in a duality of polytopes associated to X and to (X^,W), in analogy with what happens in the toric setting. * Lauren Williams, The positive Grassmannian and KP solitons Abstract:
In my first lecture, I'll give an introduction to the totally
non-negative Grassmannian, including the combinatorics of its cell
decomposition. In my second lecture I'll give an introduction to
the KP equation, and explain how points in the real Grassmannian give
rise to soliton solutions to the KP equation. The remaining
lectures will describe our joint work with Kodama, which shows how the
rich combinatorial structure of the non-negative Grassmannian can be
used to obtain very precise information about the corresponding
solutions of the KP equation.
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