Kent Algebra Days 2011: Abstract |
* Julien Bichon, Hopf algebra deformations of binary polyedral groups Abstract: The talk is based on joint
work with Sonia Natale. We present the classification of finite
dimensional cosemisimple Hopf algebras having a faithful self-dual
2-dimensional comodule (the terminology will be explained during the
talk). The classification is done in terms of binary polyedral groups.
* Jérémy Blanc, Rationality of surfaces associated to singularities of type A,D,E Abstract: A finite subgroup G of
SL(2,C) is either cyclic (of type A_n), dihedral (type D_n) or one of
the three exceptional types (E6,E7,E8). The quotient surface of C^2 by
the group G is naturally given in C^3 by an equation F(x,y,z)=0. We
will explain how to prove the following result: the extension
C(x,y,z)/C(F) is rational (purely transcendental) if and only if G is
of type A_n. The proof is related to the action of Galois groups on
* Raf Bocklandt, Dimer duality and mirror symmetry Abstract: Homological Mirror Symmetry
studies the connection between symplectic geometry and algebraic
geometry. More precisely it proposes an equivalence between two
categories the Fukaya category of a symplectic manifold and the
category of singularities of an algebraic singularity. Using
noncommutative geometry we can change the last category to the category
of matrix factorization of a central element in a certain
noncommutative algebra.
In this talk we will show how this relates to certain combinatorial objects called dimer models and show how mirror symmetry translates to a certain duality between these dimer models. * Damien Calaque, PBW theorems and a Lie theoretic approach to derived self-intersections Abstract: In this talk I will explain
how to compute the structure ring of the derived self-intersection
associated to an inclusion X\subset Y of smooth algebraic
varieties, in terms of the universal envelopping algebra of a suitable
Lie algebroid. Hopefully, I will have time to give a few applications.
This is a work in progress with Andrei Caldararu and Junwu Tu.
* Benjamin Enriquez, Braid groups and the Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture Abstract:
* Matt Fayers, Decomposable Specht modules Abstract:
The Specht modules are important modules defined for the symmetric
group in any characrteristic, and a great deal of effort is devoted to
finding their structure. It is known that if the underlying
characteristic is not 2, then all Specht modules are
indecomposable. In characteristic 2 there are decomposable Specht
modules, but examples are hard to find. I will report on recent
joint work with Craig Dodge, in which we have found new families of
decomposable Specht modules. * Jan Grabowski, Quantum cluster algebras: a survey Abstract: Quantum cluster algebras
are a generalisation of the now ubiquitous cluster algebras, the latter
being the commutative version of the theory. The
non-commutativity in a quantum cluster algebra is relatively mild: the
main feature is that elements in the same cluster must commute up to a
power of q, although elements from different clusters may have more
complicated relationships. The study of quantum cluster algebras
has recently been boosted by the demonstration by Geiss, Leclerc and
Schroer of quantum cluster algebra structures on the quantum coordinate
rings of open cells of partial flag varieties, considerably extending
the class of examples previously known. We will discuss the
definition of quantum cluster algebras and some of their basic
properties, and give an overview of what is known and unknown about
these algebras at present.
* Radha Kessar, On the Hochschild cohomology of blocks of modular group algebras Abstract: Let G be a finite group,
and k a field of nonzero characteristic p. If p divides the order of G,
then the group algebra kG is not semi-simple. To each indecomposable
k-algebra factor B of kG is associated a G-conjugacy class of
p-subgroups of G, called the defect groups of B. Many problems in
modular representation theory focus on the relationship between the
structure of the defect groups of B and the structure of B
(e.g. the representation type of B is finite if and only if the
defect groups of B are cyclic). In this talk, I will present
some results which show that the Hochschild cohomology of B is
controlled to a large extent by the defect groups of B. This is
joint work with Markus Linckelmann.
* Sophie Morier-Genoud, Friezes and moduli spaces of polygons Abstract:
The space of polygons in the projective plane modulo the action
of PSL(3) can be identified with the space of combinatorial objects
called 2-friezes (they are a higher dimension analog of the classical
friezes of Coxeter-Conway). I will explain how the two spaces are
identified and discuss the main properties of the 2-friezes. In
particular I will mention relations with the cluster algebras. This is
a joint work with V.Ovsienko and S.Tabachnikov.
* Sarah Scherotzke, Linear recurrence relations for cluster variables of affine quivers Abstract: Recently, Assem, Reutenauer
and Smith have introduced families of sequences associated to the
vertices of an acyclic quiver Q. These sequences consist of
cluster variables. They proved that if the sequences associated
with Q satisfy linear recurrence relations, then Q is
necessarily affine or Dynkin. Conversely, they conjectured that, the
sequences associated with a quiver of Dynkin or affine type always
satisfy linear recurrence relations. In my talk I will present a
proof of the Assem-Reutenauer-Smith's conjecture using the
representation-theoretic approach to cluster algebras. More precisely,
our main tool is the categorification of acyclic cluster algebras via
cluster categories. This is joint work with Bernhard Keller.
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