Krysia is pursuing her PhD at the Tizard Centre, University of Kent. Krysia has an MA in Autism Studies from the Tizard Centre (2018; Distinction), a BA (Hons) in German and French from the University of Kent (2014; First Class Honours) and has Associate Fellowship of Advance HE (2020).
Krysia is exploring the social inclusion and belonging of autistic people who have different belief systems (theistic and non-theistic), supervised by Professor Michelle McCarthy and Dr Jill Bradshaw and funded by the Tizard Centre studentship (2018-2023). She is a member of Medway Inter Faith Action and the Inclusive Church Disability Conference planning team, where she has assisted in conference planning and running, and the successful #ShutInOutUp series hosted and devised by Fiona MacMillian. Krysia has also worked with churches in the past, assisting them with improving their inclusivity, and undertook her MA dissertation on attitudes towards autistic people in various churches, which is now in print.
Krysia is also a research assistant in, and a member of iCSS, assisting Dr Virginia Franqueira, Professor Shujun Li and Dr Vince Miller on a project about cyber security education at a pre-university level. She was one of the authors of a recent report on cyber security education at a pre-university level to the GFCE, and is continuing to be involved in research activities for this project, including interviews with further stakeholders and assisting preparing papers for publication.
Krysia's PhD explores the experiences autistic people have, and how this intersects with their belief systems from a critical autism studies perspective, notably in reference to inclusion and belonging. Krysia has been a research assistant on various projects, building on her expertise of qualitative methods.
Krysia’s research interests include: autistic people and other marginalised groups, spirituality, inclusion and belonging, belief system communities, emancipatory disability theology, cyber security education and education policy & social policy linked to cyber security education.
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