How to apply for Direct Loans to support undergraduate study in the 2024-25 academic year
Set out below the steps you take to make an application to borrow US Federal loan/s to support your studies at the University of Kent in the 2024-25 academic year.
1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for 2024-25
The University of Kent uses the information from your FAFSA to assist in determining your eligibility for Direct Loans.
Complete the FAFSA electronically at Roles | FAFSA Application | Federal Student Aid.
- The University of Kent school code is G08665.
- To complete the FAFSA electronically, you must have a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID). To apply for an FSA ID if you do not already have one, or for customer service regarding a previously assigned FSA ID, visit the following Federal Student Aid web page: FAFSA® Application | Federal Student Aid
When you have completed your FAFSA, the US Department of Education will use the information to produce a FAFSA Submission Summary. They will send you a copy of this, which you should keep for your records. You do not need to send us a copy of your FAFSA or FAFSA Submission Summary.
We then access your FAFSA Submission Summary to check your eligibility for Direct loans, including the following:
- you are a US citizen or a permanent resident of the US
- your dependency status
- you are within the borrowing limits for Direct loans
2. Complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling
You complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling electronically via: Entrance Counseling | Federal Student Aid. Work through the Entrance Counseling for Direct loans.
To complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling electronically, you must have a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID). To apply for an FSA ID if you do not already have one, or for customer service regarding a previously assigned FSA ID, visit the Federal Student Aid website.
3. To borrow a Direct Loan: Complete a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN)
The Direct MPN is the legal document through which you promise to repay your Direct Loans and any accrued interest and fees to the US Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loans. You complete a new Direct MPN for each academic year that you borrow Direct Loans at the University of Kent.
You complete the Direct MPN electronically via the web site:
- Go to Federal Student Aid
- Log into the Undergraduate MPN section
- Complete the Direct MPN
4. To borrow a Direct PLUS Parent Loan
If you do not wish to borrow a Direct PLUS Parent loan, skip this step and go to step 5.
If you wish to borrow a Direct PLUS Parent loan, your parent completes (a) and (b) below.
(a) Complete a Direct PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN)
The Direct MPN is the legal document through which your parent promises to repay the Direct PLUS Parent Loan and any accrued interest and fees to the US Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of the loan. Your parent completes a new Direct PLUS MPN for each academic year that they borrow a Direct PLUS Parent loan at the University of Kent.
Your parent completes the Direct PLUS MPN electronically via the web site:
- Go to Federal Student Aid
- Select the "Graduate/Professional Students" tab
- Select the link to "Complete Loan Agreement for a PLUS Loan (MPN)"
- Complete the Direct PLUS MPN
(b) Complete a Direct PLUS Credit Check
Your parent must also apply for a Direct PLUS loan credit check. The credit check is one of the steps completed during the application process for the Direct PLUS MPN on the PLUS Loan Application | Federal Student Aid website.
5. Confirm in writing (email) how much, in total US Dollars, you wish to borrow for the 2024-25 academic year
The University of Kent can authorise students to borrow US Direct loans up to the total cost of Attendance for their course.
Your Direct loans can be a combination of:
- Direct Subsidized Loan
- Direct Unsubsidized Loan
- Direct PLUS Parent Loan or Private Loan
The amount of Direct loan money that undergraduate students are permitted to borrow is determined by whether they are classed as 'Dependent' or 'Independent' and their year of study.
Details of your cost of attendance are set out in your Cost of Attendance e-mail.
6. Your application
Ensure that you have made an application to study at the University of Kent, on at least a part-time basis, and that you have received an offer of a place from Kent
7. Annual Loan Acknowledgement
Although this step is not mandatory, we encourage you to complete an annual loan acknowledgment. This will show how much you currently owe in Federal Student Loans: Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment
8. Email us to confirm completion of the following documentation and information
- Confirmation of the amount in US Dollars you wish to borrow for each loan type and totalled. E.g. how much Subsidized, Unsubsidized and Parent PLUS.
- Email confirmation from you that you have completed your Entrance Counseling
- E-mail confirmation from you that you have completed an MPN for each type of loan you wish to borrow.
- If your parent is borrowing a Direct PLUS Parent loan:
- E-mailed confirmation from you that your parent has completed PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN). We may required their SSN to access the MPN.
- Email confirmation from you that your parent has completed the Direct PLUS Credit Check
- If you require a letter for Visa purposes, please confirm this in your e-mail.
You must notify us once you have completed all the above steps by e-mailing even if the US system informs you that it has already been provided to the University of Kent.
How to apply for Direct Loans to support postgraduate study in the 2024-25 Academic Year
Set out below the steps you take to make an application to borrow US Federal loan/s to support your studies at the University of Kent in the 2024-25 academic year.
1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for 2024-25
The University of Kent uses the information from your FAFSA to assist in determining your eligibility for Direct Loans.
Complete the FAFSA electronically at Roles | FAFSA Application | Federal Student Aid.
- The University of Kent school code is G08665.
- To complete the FAFSA electronically, you must have a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID). To apply for an FSA ID if you do not already have one, or for customer service regarding a previously assigned FSA ID, visit the following Federal Student Aid web page: FAFSA® Application | Federal Student Aid
When you have completed your FAFSA, the US Department of Education will use the information to produce a FAFSA Submission Summary. They will send you a copy of this, which you should keep for your records. You do not need to send us a copy of your FAFSA or FAFSA Submission Summary.
We then access your FAFSA Submission Summary to check your eligibility for Direct loans, including the following:
- you are a US citizen or a permanent resident of the US
- your dependency status
- you are within the borrowing limits for Direct loans
2. Complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling
You will need to complete Entrance Counseling for each type of loan you borrow (e.g. Direct Loan and Direct PLUS Loan). The Counseling can be combined if you require both types of loans.
You complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling electronically at Entrance Counseling | Federal Student Aid. Work through the Entrance Counseling for each type of loan you are borrowing (i.e. Direct Loan and Direct PLUS Loan).
To complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling electronically, you must have a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID). To apply for an FSA ID if you do not already have one, or for customer service regarding a previously assigned FSA ID, visit the following Federal Student Aid web page:
3. To borrow a Direct Loan: Complete a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN)
The Direct MPN is the legal document through which you promise to repay your Direct loan and any accrued interest and fees to the US Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of the loan. You complete a new Direct MPN for each academic year that you borrow a Direct Loan at the University of Kent.
You complete the Direct MPN electronically via the web site:
- Go to Completing a Master Promissory Note | Federal Student Aid
- Select the "Graduate/Professional Student" tab
- Select the link to "Complete Loan Agreement for a Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan (MPN)"
- Complete the Direct MPN
4. To borrow a Direct PLUS Loan: Complete a Direct PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN) and a PLUS Credit Check
If you do not wish to borrow a Direct PLUS loan, skip this step and go to step 5.
The Direct PLUS MPN is the legal document through which you promise to repay your Direct PLUS Loan and any accrued interest and fees to the US Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan. You complete a new Direct PLUS MPN for each academic year that you borrow a Direct PLUS loan at the University of Kent.
You complete the Direct PLUS MPN electronically via the web site:
- Go to
- Select the "Graduate/Professional Students" tab
- Select the link to "Complete Loan Agreement for a PLUS Loan (MPN)"
- Complete the Direct PLUS MPN
You must also apply for a Direct PLUS credit check. The credit check is one of the steps you complete during the application process for your Direct PLUS MPN on the web site PLUS Loan Application | Federal Student Aid.
5. Confirm in writing (email) how much, in total US Dollars, you wish to borrow for the 2024-25 academic year
The University of Kent can authorise students to borrow US Direct loans up to the total cost of Attendance for their course.
Your Direct loans can be a combination of:
- Direct Unsubsidized Loan (Up to $20,500)
- Direct PLUS Parent Loan or Private Loan (Up to the total of the remaining Cost of Attendance)
Details of your cost of attendance are set out in your Cost of Attendance e-mail.
6. Your application
Ensure that you have accepted an unconditional offer to study at the University of Kent, on at least a part-time basis, and that you have received an offer of a place from Kent.
7. Annual Loan Acknowledgement
Although this step is not mandatory, we encourage you to complete an annual loan acknowledgment. This will show how much you currently owe in Federal Student Loans: Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment.
8. Email us to confirm completion of the following documentation and information
- Confirmation of the amount in US Dollars you
wish to borrow for each loan type and totalled. E.g. how much Subsidized, Unsubsidized and PLUS.
- Email confirmation from you that you have completed your Entrance Counseling
- E-mail confirmation from you that you have completed an MPN for each type of loan you wish to borrow.
- If you are borrowing a Direct PLUS loan:
- Email confirmation from you that you have completed your Direct PLUS credit check
- If you require a letter for Visa purposes, please confirm this in your e-mail.
We will then confirm your Cost of Attendance and email you with further instructions.
You must notify us once you have completed all the above steps by e-mailing even if the US system informs you that it has already been provided to the University of Kent.
How to apply for Direct Loans to support study in the 2025-26 academic year
From October 2024 you can complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for 2025-26.
From late May 2025 the University will start processing US Direct loans for the 2025-26 academic year.
From May 2025 you can complete your Master Promissory Note/s and Entrance Counseling.
Complete the FAFSA electronically at
- The University of Kent school code is G08665.
- To complete the FAFSA electronically, you must have a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID). To apply for an FSA ID if you do not already have one, or for customer service regarding a previously assigned FSA ID, visit the following Federal Student Aid web page:
When you have completed your FAFSA, the US Department of Education will use the information to produce a FAFSA Submission Summary. They will send you a copy of this, which you should keep for your records. You do not need to send us a copy of your FAFSA or FAFSA Submission Summary.
We then access your FAFSA Submission Summary to check your eligibility for Direct loans, including the following:
- you are a US citizen or a permanent resident of the US
- your dependency status
- you are within the borrowing limits for Direct loans
The cost of attendance for the 2024-25 academic year will be published on this web page once it is available.
Please Note:
- The US Department of Education does not automatically inform schools outside the United States when a student has completed their FAFSA
- You need to inform the University of Kent that you wish to borrow Direct loans by emailing us at