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Coping with Uncertainty
9 September 2005 2 - 4pm

BA Festival of Science
Trinity College Dublin

The SCARR Network will present a workshop on Coping with Uncertainty at the British Association Festival of Science at Trinity College, Dublin on 9 September 2005, (14.00-16.00, INS Building LT 4)

We all have to deal with risks and uncertainties in the course of our daily lives, from what happens in our families and our working life to planning our pensions. Some risks we can handle by weighing up the pros and cons, but in many cases there is no convincing way to produce a ‘rational’ answer – and these cases often concern our most significant social and personal relationships. People learn about risk from significant others, from the media, in their communities and from official agencies. In this session we present new evidence from a series of recent surveys on how people seek to manage the risks of everyday life.

Papers include:

Coping with Uncertainty
- Peter Taylor-Gooby, University of Kent
Responding to Risk: Media Accounts and Public Understandings
- Graham Murdock, Loughborough University
Risk Perceptions - A Generational Divide?
- Andreas Cebulla, National Centre for Social Research
Risk and Difference
- David Abbott, Norah Fry Research Centre
Taking other people's feelings into account when appraising risky situations
- Brian Parkinson and Gwenda Simmons, Dept. of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford