Taking Stock of Trust
12th December 2005
The Context
Trust enables people to collaborate, negotiate and trade under conditions
of uncertainty. The demands placed on trust in a more complex and globalised
economy, where people live more flexible and diverse lives, are growing,
at a time when trust in experts, public authorities and other institutions
is increasingly questioned. This one-day conference will analyse developments
and discuss future directions in trust research.
Conference Photos
'Introduction: Three Dilemmas of
(Powerpoint Presentation)
Professor Peter Taylor-Gooby, University of Kent
Trust and Social Progress
Professor Lord Layard, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE Professor
Layard's paper was based on the arguments contained in his book: 'Happiness:
Lessons from a New Science'. These use evidence from World Values Survey
and other sources to show that social trust is one of the factors associated
with reported happiness in cross-national data-sets.
Further information on above website link .
Discussant: Professor Nigel
Harvey, University College London. (Powerpoint Presentation)
Trust and Uncertainty:
the Emotional Basis of Rationality
(Powerpoint Presentation)
Professor Jack Barbalet, University of Leicester
Discussant: Professor Peter Lunt, Brunel University.
Trust Relations in the NHS:
theoretical and methodological challenges
(Powerpoint Presentation)
Professor Mike Calnan and Dr Rosemary Rowe, University of Bristol
Discussant: Professor Chris Hood, University of Oxford.
A Psychological Approach
to Understanding How Trust is Built and Lost
(Powerpoint Presentation)
Professor Richard Eiser, University of Sheffield and Dr Matthew White,
University of Jena
Discussant: Professor Graham Loomes, University of East Anglia
SCARR Working Papers