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Taking Stock of Trust
12th December 2005

London School of Economics
Rosebery Hall, Rosebery Avenue, London EC1

The Context

Trust enables people to collaborate, negotiate and trade under conditions of uncertainty. The demands placed on trust in a more complex and globalised economy, where people live more flexible and diverse lives, are growing, at a time when trust in experts, public authorities and other institutions is increasingly questioned. This one-day conference will analyse developments and discuss future directions in trust research.

Conference Photos


'Introduction: Three Dilemmas of Trust'
(Powerpoint Presentation)
Professor Peter Taylor-Gooby, University of Kent

Trust and Social Progress
Professor Lord Layard, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE Professor Layard's paper was based on the arguments contained in his book: 'Happiness: Lessons from a New Science'. These use evidence from World Values Survey and other sources to show that social trust is one of the factors associated with reported happiness in cross-national data-sets.
Further information on above website link .

Discussant: Professor Nigel Harvey, University College London. (Powerpoint Presentation)

Trust and Uncertainty: the Emotional Basis of Rationality
(Powerpoint Presentation)
Professor Jack Barbalet, University of Leicester
Discussant: Professor Peter Lunt, Brunel University.

Trust Relations in the NHS: theoretical and methodological challenges
(Powerpoint Presentation)
Professor Mike Calnan and Dr Rosemary Rowe, University of Bristol
Discussant: Professor Chris Hood, University of Oxford.

A Psychological Approach to Understanding How Trust is Built and Lost
(Powerpoint Presentation)
Professor Richard Eiser, University of Sheffield and Dr Matthew White, University of Jena
Discussant: Professor Graham Loomes, University of East Anglia

SCARR Working Papers