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Social Contexts and Responses to Risk



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Streamed Papers

Keynote speakers

Professor Paul Slovic, Decision Research and University of Oregon:
Risk as Analysis and Risk as Feeling: An Examination of Affect, Reason, Risk, and Rationality.

Final Paper (pdf 488kb)

Powerpoint Presentation (ppt 1.53Mb)

Smokers - Rational Actors or Rational Fools? (pdf 488kb)

Professor John Tulloch, Brunel University:
Representing Risk and Security: Visual Imaging From Kosovo to Iraq (pdf 6kb)
Final Paper (pdf 63.7 kb)

Professor Ortwin Renn, University of Stuttgart:
Rational Choice and Risk Research: Critical Reflections

The Rational Actor Paradigm in Risk Theories (pdf 9.8kb)

Professor Frank Furedi, University of Kent:
Informal relations and risk consciousness (pdf 5kb)

(A1) Government, regulation and risk
Chair: Peter Lunt

Bloor, Michael/Sampson, Helen: Ruling the Waves: Problems of Governance of Risk in the Globalised Shipping Industry (pdf 5kb)

Rudloff, Bettina: Scope and Limitations for National Food Safety Regimes within a Globalising World (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper (pdf 371 kb)

Lunt, Peter: Risk and Regulation in Financial Services and Communications (pdf 5kb)
The paper is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

Quigley, Kevin: The US Government's and the UK Governments' Response to Y2K: The Opinion Responsive Hypothesis (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper (pdf 178 kb)

(A2) Public policies and individual responses to risk
Chair: Johannes Simons

Simons, Johannes: How to Encourage Individual Contributions to Reduce Food Borne Risks (The paper is published with FQS)

Gaivoronskaia, Galina/Bjørn Hvinden: Food Risk Perception and Responsibility in the Eyes of Consumers with Allergic Reaction to Food (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper (pdf 87.6kb)

Wood, Jason: Beyond Public Protection: It's Everyone's Responsibility Now (pdf 5kb)

(B1) Risk-taking, identity and everyday life
Chair: Andy Alaszewski

Wild, Leah: Transgressive Terrain. Nomadism, Ontological Security and Risk Identity (pdf 5kb)

Simmons, Peter/Niamh, Moore/Pidgeon, Nick/Henwood, Karen: From Chernobyl to Bradwell: Negotiating Nuclear Risk(pdf 5kb)

Kemshall, Hazel/ Boeck, Thilo/ Fleming, Jennie: Young People, Risk and Trust: Prudential Risk Taker, Gambler or Navigator? (pdf (5kb)
The paper is published with FQS: The Context of Risk Decisions: Does Social Capital Make a Difference?

Sharland, Elaine: Young People, Risk Taking and Risk Making: Perspectives for Social Work (pdf 5kb)
The paper is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

Alaszewski, Andy: About Risk and Uncertainty:Analysing Stroke Survivors Narratives (pdf 4kb)
The paper is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

(B2) Risk-perception, everyday life and social inequality
Chair: Andreas Cebulla

Martin Innes: Why Disorder Matters - Anti-Social Behaviour and Incivility as Signals of Risk (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper (pdf 60.9kb)

Lewis, Jane: Perceptions of Risk in Intimate Relationships
Final Paper (pdf 75.kb)

Cebulla, Andreas/Smith, Noel: Values, Individualisation and the Perception of Risk - Studying Socio-Demographic and Inter-Generational Change (pdf 5kb)
A related paper is published with FQS: Risk Perception and the Presentation of Self: Reflections from Fieldwork on Risk

Abbott, David/Quilgars, Deborah:Risk and Difference
Final Paper (pdf 71.5kb)
A related paper is published with FQS:The Impact of Social and Cultural Differences in Relation to Job Loss and Financial Planning: Reflections on the Risk Society

(B3) Emotion and risk
Chair: Jens Zinn

Zinn, Jens: Risk, affect and emotion (pdf 5kb)
The paper is published: Link to FQS Publication

PoortingaWouter/Pidgeon, Nick: Trust, Affect and the Acceptability of GM Food: a Casual Analysis (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper (pdf)

Jackson, Jonathan: A Psychology of Social Order: Public Attitudes to Crime and Policing (pdf 5kb)
The paper is published with FQS:Bridging Levels of Analysis in Risk Perception Research: The Case of the Fear of Crime

Allum, Nick / Gaskell, George / Jackson, Jonathan: The Representation of Technological Innovation: The Case of Nanotechnology (pdf 5kb)

(C1) Risk-communication, media, discourse 1
Chair: Adam Burgess

Burgess, A.: The Internet and Risk Creation: The strange Case of the Rumour that Mobile Phones Can Cause Petrol Stations Explosions (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper

Litmanen, Tapio & Tuikkanen,Anu: Sense of Risk. The Case of Health Risks of Mobile Phones (pdf 6kb)

Jack Stilgoe: Constructing Public Engagement in the Science of Mobile Phone Risk (pdf 5kb)

Lesley Hoggart: Young Women, Sexual Behaviour and Sexual Decision-Making (pdf 6kb)
Final Paper (pdf )
The paper is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

Heggs, Dan: Women's Responses to a Health Story: Risk and Myth (pdf 5kb)

(C2) Terrorism, risk and the state
Chair: Bill Durodié

Mythen, Gabe / Walklate, Sandra: Communicating the Terrorist Risk Mass Destruction or Mass Distraction (pdf 6kb)

Durodié, Bill: Disasters, including Terrorist Attacks, Destroy Physical and Economic Capital? (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper (pdf 96.6lb)

Daw, Jonathan: The Economics of Fear: Perceived Risk and the Threat of Terrorism (pdf 4kb)

(C3) Risk-communication, media, discourse II

Nick Wright & Brigitte Nerlich: Viral Cows and Viral Culture. The function of rumour during the 2001 foot and mouth disease outbreak in the UK. (pdf 5kb)
Draft Final Paper (pdf 118kb)

Anderson, Alison/Petersen, Alan/Allan, Stuart: Representing Risk: The News Media Politics of Nanotechnology (pdf 4kb)

Flynn, Rob/ Bellaby, Paul & Ricci, Mariam: Risk Perception of an Emergent Technology: The Case of Hydrogen Energy (pdf 5kb)
The paper is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

Warner, Jo : Homicide Inquiry Reports as Active Texts (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper (pdf 74.4kb)
A related paper is published with FQS: Community Care and the Location and Governance of Risk in Mental Health

(D1) Risk-judgement and decision making
Graham Loomes

Nigel Harvey, Matt Twyman and Clare Harries: Judging Risk Acceptability in Self and Others (pdf 5kb)
The papers is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

Judith Covey, Graham Loomes, Angela Robinson & Anne Spencer: Are some Deaths Worse than Others? Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment (pdf 4kb)

Matt Twyman, Clare Harries & Nigel Harvey: Learning to Use and Assess Advice About Risk (pdf 4.47kb)
The paper is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

Graham Loomes & Judith Mehta: Preference, value and attitude in the context of some familiar and unfamiliar goods:
The preliminary results of a survey
Final Paper
(pdf 115kb)

(D2) Theories of risk I
Chair: Jens Zinn

Zinn, Jens: Recent Developments in Sociological Risk Theory (pdf 5kb)
The papers is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

Andreas Klinke: Systemic Risks: A New Challenge for Risk Management (pdf 6kb)
The papers is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

Rothstein, Henry / Huber, Michael / Gaskell, George: Risk Colonisation: The Escalating Logics of Risk Governance (pdf 5kb)

Murdock, Graham/Hughes, Emma: Media and Public Perceptions of Risk

(D3) Theories of risk II

Chair: Iain Wilkinson

Eiser, Dick: Recent Developments in the Psychology of Risk (Powerpoint 2.2mb))
Eiser Foresight (pdF 5 kb)

Ditton, Jason: People's Perceptions of their Likely Future Risk of Criminal Victimisation (pdf 6kb)
Final Paper (pdf 63.3kb)

Macgill, Sally / Siu, Y.L.: A New Paradigm for Risk Analysis (pdf 5kb)

Wilkinson, Iain: From the Sociology of Risk to a Critical Sociology of Suffering (pdf 6kb)
Final Paper (pdf 75.4kb)

Contributed Papers

Hillson, David / Murray-Webster, Ruth Understanding and Managing Risk Attitudes (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper (pdf 171 kb)

Seigneur, Viviane: The Problems of Defining the Risk - The Case of Mountaineering (pdf 5kb)
The papers is published with FQS: Link to FQS Publication

Voss, Martin: Towards a re-opening of risk societies - a contribution to the debate on risk and danger (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper (pdf 66.1kb)

Northrop, Mary: The Social Amplification of Risk in relation to Obesity (pdf 5kb)
Final Paper

Karamichas, John: Individualisation, mistrust and defensiveness - What is going on in Southern Europe? (pdf 5kb)

McGrath, Noreen: From Risk Society to Risk Community: Constructing Environmental Risk Perceptions Through Grassroots Collective Action (pdf 5kb)

Hall, Ian: Joining up the Dots - Understanding Risk Perception at different organisational levels (pdf 4kb)