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Social Contexts and Responses to Risk



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Keynote Speakers

Launch Conference

Professor Paul Slovic, Decision Research and University of Oregon:
Risk as Analysis and Risk as Feeling: An Examination of Affect, Reason, Risk, and Rationality.(pdf 5.7kb)

Final Paper (pdf 538kb)

Powerpoint Presentation (ppt 1.53Mb)

Smokers - Rational Actors or Rational Fools? (pdf 488kb)

Professor John Tulloch, Brunel University:
Representing Risk and Security: Visual Imaging From Kosovo to Iraq (pdf 6kb)
Final Paper (pdf 63.7 kb)

Professor Ortwin Renn, University of Stuttgart:
Rational Choice and Risk Research: Critical Reflections

The Rational Actor Paradigm in Risk Theories (pdf 9.8kb)

Professor Frank Furedi, University of Kent:
Informal relations and risk consciousness (pdf 5kb)