Medical Research Council Impact Acceleration Account IAA

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Medical Research Council Impact Acceleration Account (MRC)

The Medical Research Council Impact Acceleration Account (MRC IAA) awarded the University of Kent £357,000 to flexibly support a wide range of translational research projects. This award aims to accelerate the transition from early discovery research towards patient benefit.

Welcome to the University of Kent's MRC IAA

Our aim is to build on the University of Kent's strong foundation in Biomedical and clinical research, and enable a step change in the activity, impact, and ultimate success of our translational research pipeline.

Best wishes

Michelle Garrett

Professor of Cancer Therapeutics and MRC IAA Lead


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Award objectives and funding opportunities

MRC IAA objectives:

  • Deliver a fast, flexible see-funding strategy for researchers
  • Promote innovative forms of interaction and knowledge exchange between key translational stakeholders including industry, clinical and third sector organisations
  • Provide training and mentoring to generate new translational research
  • Develop new interdisciplinary consortia in areas of research strength at the University of Kent

Funding Opportunities

NEW for 2024: BBSRC/MRC IAA Harmonised funding call

The University of Kent BBSRC and MRC Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAA) are delighted to announce a new harmonised funding call for 2024.

Rapid Response Fund (RRF) - Open call

To initiate or strengthen engagement with other stakeholders, for consortia building activities or training purposes.

  • Applications can v=be submitted at any time
  • Funding of up to £5,000 per project
  • To apply, contact Michelle Garrett at

If you have any queries, please email Professor Michelle Garrett, MRC IAA lead at