Dr Eduardo Vasquez

Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology Senior Academic Adviser
+44 (0)1227 827611
Dr Eduardo Vasquez


Eduardo is a Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology and Senior Academic Adviser in the School of Psychology.

Research interests

Research interests

  • Aggression, displaced aggression.
  • Inter-group relations: personalization, self-disclosure and liking; inter-group conflict and aggression; inter-gang violence.
  • Alcohol and social behaviours: alcohol and aggression, alcohol and inter-group anxiety.

Key publications 

  • Pedersen, W. C., Vasquez, E. A., Bartholow, B. D., Grosvenor, M., & Truong, A. (2014). Are you insulting me? Exposure to alcohol primes increases aggression following ambiguous provocation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 1037-1049.
  • Vasquez, E. A., Wenborne, L., Peers, M., Alleyne, E., & Ellis, K. L. (2015). Any of them will do: In-group identification, out-group entitativity, and gang membership as predictors of group based retribution. Aggressive Behavior, 41, 242-252.
  • Vasquez, E. A., Osinnowo, K., Pina, A., Ball, L., & Bell, C. (2017). The sexual objectification of girls and aggression towards them in gang and non-gang affiliated youth. Psychology, Crime, and Law23, 459-471.
  • Loughnan, S., Pina, A., Vasquez, E. A., & Puvia, E. (2013). Sexual objectification increases rape victim blame and decreases perceived suffering. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37, 455-461.


PG students

  • Alvaro Rodriguez: TBA
  • Anita Ruddle: The development and validation of a domestic violence proclivity scale


Grants and Awards

2015J. Wood, E. Alleyne, & E. Vasquez
Kent Police
Evaluation of Neighbourhood Responsibility Panel (NRP) Effects on Client Behaviour and Self Efficacy.
2012E. Vasquez
Polismyndigheten Stockholm Lan (Stockholm Police)
An evaluation of SGIP Conference.
2010 T. Gannon, J. Wood, A. Pina, & E. Vasquez
The Evaluation of the Mandatory Polygraph. Tender with U. K. Ministry of Justice.
Last updated