Dr Andrew Russ

Lecturer in Psychology Director of Stage 3
+44 (0)1227 816449
Dr Andrew Russ


Andrew is the Convenor of the Final Year Project, an Academic Adviser and a Member of the Admissions and Outreach Team. 

Research interests

Andrew's research interests concern face recognition with a particular emphasis on improving eyewitness practices. He is currently investigating methods for assessing the accuracy of an eyewitness after making an identification to a criminal line-up.


Convenor and Lecturer


  • SP853 The Psychology of Eyewitness Testimony


Andrew is interested in supervising undergraduate and masters face recognition projects, especially those with a practical application. If you have research ideas of your own, he would be happy to discuss them with you. If you don’t have a firm idea, Andrew has a few projects that you may be interested in developing.


Grants and Awards

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