Tania Mamvura and Lizzie Anyaeji are looking for participants for a study they are running with BAME students. And ITS PAID!
We are Tania Mamvura and Lizzie Anyaeji, student members of the EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) team in Psychology. We have an exciting opportunity for you to take part in a research project that we are running for the School on Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students experiences in Psychology.
We would love to have you take part in the study and hear about your experiences within the school of psychology as a BME student. The study involves a short survey and a paid focus group led by us, which you will earn a £20 voucher as a thank you for your participation!
1st Years – you can access the survey on RPS and gain credits for the summer term. Additionally, you can sign up to get involved in our focus group by emailing Lizzie.
2nd/3rd Years – you can access the survey via this Qualtrics link and you will receive a £5 voucher in recognition for your participation! You can also sign up to get involved in our focus group via the survey or by emailing Tania.
Why you should definitely take part!
This will be a great opportunity for you to voice your opinion about your own experiences – from being on campus and learning through the pandemic – We are eager for as many of you to sign up as possible and are keen to hear about your experiences at the university. And… YOU GET PAID!
How to get involved:
1st Year Survey
2nd/3rd Year Survey